GH-PR-LIST(1) GitHub CLI manual GH-PR-LIST(1)

gh-pr-list - List pull requests in a repository

gh pr list [flags]

List pull requests in a GitHub repository.

The search query syntax is documented here:

Filter by GitHub App author
Filter by assignee
Filter by author
Filter by base branch
Filter by draft state
Filter by head branch
Filter JSON output using a jq expression
Output JSON with the specified fields
Filter by label
Maximum number of items to fetch
Search pull requests with query
Filter by state: {open|closed|merged|all}
Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
List pull requests in the web browser

Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format

additions, assignees, author, autoMergeRequest, baseRefName, body, changedFiles, closed, closedAt, comments, commits, createdAt, deletions, files, headRefName, headRefOid, headRepository, headRepositoryOwner, id, isCrossRepository, isDraft, labels, latestReviews, maintainerCanModify, mergeCommit, mergeStateStatus, mergeable, mergedAt, mergedBy, milestone, number, potentialMergeCommit, projectCards, projectItems, reactionGroups, reviewDecision, reviewRequests, reviews, state, statusCheckRollup, title, updatedAt, url

List PRs authored by you
$ gh pr list --author "@me"
List only PRs with all of the given labels
$ gh pr list --label bug --label "priority 1"
Filter PRs using search syntax
$ gh pr list --search "status:success review:required"
Find a PR that introduced a given commit
$ gh pr list --search "<SHA>" --state merged


May 2024