GH-ISSUE(1) GitHub CLI manual GH-ISSUE(1) NAME gh-issue - Manage issues SYNOPSIS gh issue [flags] DESCRIPTION Work with GitHub issues. GENERAL COMMANDS gh-issue-create(1) Create a new issue gh-issue-list(1) List issues in a repository gh-issue-status(1) Show status of relevant issues TARGETED COMMANDS gh-issue-close(1) Close issue gh-issue-comment(1) Add a comment to an issue gh-issue-delete(1) Delete issue gh-issue-develop(1) Manage linked branches for an issue gh-issue-edit(1) Edit issues gh-issue-lock(1) Lock issue conversation gh-issue-pin(1) Pin a issue gh-issue-reopen(1) Reopen issue gh-issue-transfer(1) Transfer issue to another repository gh-issue-unlock(1) Unlock issue conversation gh-issue-unpin(1) Unpin a issue gh-issue-view(1) View an issue OPTIONS -R, --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO> Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format EXAMPLE $ gh issue list $ gh issue create --label bug $ gh issue view 123 --web SEE ALSO gh(1) May 2024 GH-ISSUE(1)