getpeername(2) System Calls Manual getpeername(2) JMENO getpeername - vrat adresu vzdaleneho konce soketu KNIHOVNA Standardni knihovna C (libc, -lc) POUZITI #include int getpeername(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *restrict addr, socklen_t *restrict addrlen); POPIS getpeername() returns the address of the peer connected to the socket sockfd, in the buffer pointed to by addr. The addrlen argument should be initialized to indicate the amount of space pointed to by addr. On return it contains the actual size of the name returned (in bytes). The name is truncated if the buffer provided is too small. The returned address is truncated if the buffer provided is too small; in this case, addrlen will return a value greater than was supplied to the call. NAVRATOVE HODNOTY On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set to indicate the error. CHYBOVE STAVY EBADF Argument sockfd neni platnym deskriptorem. EFAULT Argument addr ukazuje na pamet v neplatne casti adresoveho prostoru procesu. EINVAL addrlen je neplatne (napriklad zaporne cislo). ENOBUFS Nedostatek systemovych zdroju k provedeni operace. ENOTCONN Soket neni spojen. ENOTSOCK The file descriptor sockfd does not refer to a socket. STANDARDY POSIX.1-2008. HISTORIE POSIX.1-2001, SVr4, 4.4BSD (first appeared in 4.2BSD). POZNAMKY For stream sockets, once a connect(2) has been performed, either socket can call getpeername() to obtain the address of the peer socket. On the other hand, datagram sockets are connectionless. Calling connect(2) on a datagram socket merely sets the peer address for outgoing datagrams sent with write(2) or recv(2). The caller of connect(2) can use getpeername() to obtain the peer address that it earlier set for the socket. However, the peer socket is unaware of this information, and calling getpeername() on the peer socket will return no useful information (unless a connect(2) call was also executed on the peer). Note also that the receiver of a datagram can obtain the address of the sender when using recvfrom(2). DALSI INFORMACE accept(2), bind(2), getsockname(2), ip(7), socket(7), unix(7) PREKLAD Preklad teto prirucky do spanelstiny vytvorili Pavel Heimlich Tento preklad je bezplatna dokumentace; Prectete si GNU General Public License Version 3 nebo novejsi ohledne podminek autorskych prav. Neexistuje ZADNA ODPOVEDNOST. Pokud narazite na nejake chyby v prekladu teto prirucky, poslete e-mail na adresu . Linux man-pages 6.06 31. rijna 2023 getpeername(2)