FSTAB(5) File formats FSTAB(5) NAME fstab - static information about the filesystems SYNOPSIS /etc/fstab DESCRIPTION The file fstab contains descriptive information about the filesystems the system can mount. fstab is only read by programs, and not written; it is the duty of the system administrator to properly create and maintain this file. The order of records in fstab is important because fsck(8), mount(8), and umount(8) sequentially iterate through fstab doing their thing. The file is not read by mount(8) only but often is used by many other tools and daemons, and proper functionality may require additional steps. For example, on systemd-based systems, it's recommended to use systemctl daemon-reload after fstab modification. Each filesystem is described on a separate line. Fields on each line are separated by tabs or spaces. Lines starting with '#' are comments. Blank lines are ignored. The following is a typical example of an fstab entry: LABEL=t-home2 /home ext4 defaults,auto_da_alloc 0 2 The first field (fs_spec). This field describes the block special device, remote filesystem or filesystem image for loop device to be mounted or swap file or swap device to be enabled. For ordinary mounts, it will hold (a link to) a block special device node (as created by mknod(2)) for the device to be mounted, like /dev/cdrom or /dev/sdb7. For NFS mounts, this field is :, e.g., knuth.aeb.nl:/. For filesystems with no storage, any string can be used, and will show up in df(1) output, for example. Typical usage is proc for procfs; mem, none, or tmpfs for tmpfs. Other special filesystems, like udev and sysfs, are typically not listed in fstab. LABEL=