flawz(1) General Commands Manual flawz(1) NAME flawz - A Terminal UI for browsing CVEs SYNOPSIS flawz [--url] [-f|--feeds] [-d|--db] [-u|--force-update] [-o|--offline] [-q|--query] [-t|--theme] [-h|--help] [-V|--version] DESCRIPTION A Terminal UI for browsing CVEs OPTIONS --url=URL [default: https://nvd.nist.gov/feeds/json/cve/1.1/] A URL where NIST CVE 1.1 feeds can be found May also be specified with the URL environment variable. -f, --feeds=FEEDS [default: 2002:2024,recent,modified] List of feeds that are going to be synced May also be specified with the FEEDS environment variable. -d, --db=DB Path to the SQLite database used to store the synced CVE data May also be specified with the DB environment variable. -u, --force-update Always fetch feeds -o, --offline Do not fetch feeds -q, --query=QUERY Start with a search query May also be specified with the QUERY environment variable. -t, --theme=THEME [default: dracula] Set the theme Possible values: o dracula: Dracula o nord: Nord o one-dark: One Dark o solarized-dark: Solarized Dark o gruvbox-light: Gruvbox Light -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version VERSION v0.2.2 AUTHORS Orhun Parmaksiz flawz 0.2.2 flawz(1)