FASTD(1) User Commands FASTD(1) NAME fastd - Fast and Secure Tunnelling Daemon SYNOPSIS fastd OPTION... DESCRIPTION fastd is a very small VPN daemon which tunnels IP packets and Ethernet frames over UDP. It supports various modern encryption and authentication schemes and can be used in many different network topologies (1:1, 1:n, meshed). OPTIONS --help, -h Shows a help text. --version, -v Shows the fastd version. --daemon, -d Runs fastd in the background. --pid-file Writes fastd's PID to the specified file. --status-socket Configure a socket to get fastd's status. --config, -c Loads a config file. - can be specified to read a config file from stdin. More than one config file can be loaded. --config-peer Loads a config file for a single peer. The filename will be used as the peer name. --config-peer-dir Loads all files from a directory as peer configs. On SIGHUP fastd will reload peer directories. --user Sets the user to run fastd as. --group Sets the group to run fastd as. --log-level error|warn|info|verbose|debug|debug2 Sets the stderr log level; default is info if no alternative log destination is configured. --syslog-level error|warn|info|verbose|debug|debug2 Sets the log level for syslog output; default is not to use syslog. --syslog-ident Sets the syslog identification; default is fastd. --hide-ip-addresses Hides IP addresses in log output. --hide-mac-addresses Hides MAC addresses in log output. --mode, -m tap|multitap|tun Sets the mode of the interface; default is TAP mode. --interface, -i Sets the name of the TUN/TAP interface to use. If not specified, default names specified by the system will be used. --mtu, -M Sets the MTU; must be at least 576. --bind, -b
[:] Sets the bind address. Address can be an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address, or the keyword any. IPv6 addresses must be put in square brackets. By default fastd will to bind to a random port for both IPv4 and IPv6. It is currently not possible to specify an IPv6 link-local address on the command line. --protocol, -p Sets the handshake protocol. Currently the only protocol available is ec25519-fhmqvc, which provides a secure authentication of peers based on public/secret keys. --method Sets the encryption method. --forward Enables forwarding of packets between peers; read the full documentation before use! --on-pre-up Sets a shell command to execute before interface creation. --on-up Sets a shell command to execute after interface creation. --on-down Sets a shell command to execute before interface destruction. --on-post-down Sets a shell command to execute after interface destruction. --on-connect Sets a shell command to execute when a handshake is sent to establish a new connection. --on-establish Sets a shell command to execute when a new connection is established. --on-disestablish Sets a shell command to execute when a connection is lost. --on-verify Sets a shell command to execute to check a connection attempt by an unknown peer. --verify-config Checks the configuration and exits. --generate-key Generates a new keypair. --show-key Shows the public key corresponding to the configured secret. --machine-readable Suppresses output of explaining text in the --show-key and --generate-key commands. SEE ALSO The full documentation for fastd is available online at Additional resources can be found in the Wiki at fastd v22 June 2021 FASTD(1)