faked(1) Manual Debian faked(1) NOME faked - daemon que recorda as propriedades/permissoes falsas dos ficheiros manipulados por processos do fakeroot. SINOPSE faked [--debug] [--foreground] [--cleanup] [--key chave-msg] [--load] [--save-file save-file] [--port porto-TCP] DESCRICAO If a fakeroot process wants to change the ownership of a file, then faked is the process that remembers that new owner. If later the same fakeroot process does a stat() for that filename, then the libfakeroot wrapped stat() call will first ask faked for the fake ownership etc. of that file, and then report it. OPCOES --debug Escreve informacao de depuracao no stderr --foreground Nao faz fork para segundo plano. --cleanup number Limpa os semaforos. --key key-number Don't allocate a new communication channel, but use channel specified by key. (If the specified channel doesn't exist, it's created). --save-file save-file Grava o ambiente no save-file ao terminar. --load Carrega um ambiente previamente guardado a partir da entrada standard. --unknown-is-real Usa a propriedade real de ficheiros previamente-desconhecidos em vez de os definir para root:root. --port tcp-port Usa o porto TCP porto-tcp. BUGS None so far. Be warned, though: although I've written quite a few much larger (and smaller) programs, I've never written anything that was as tiny as fakeroot, had as many bugs as fakeroot, and still was as usable as, say, fakeroot version 0.0_3, the first version that could be used to build itself. COPIAR fakeroot e distribuido sob a GNU General Public License. (GPL 2.0 ou superior). AUTORES joost witteveen Clint Adams Timo Savola TRADUTOR Americo Monteiro PAGINA DE MANUAL mostly by J.H.M. Dassen mods/additions by joost and Clint. VEJA TAMBEM fakeroot(1), dpkg-buildpackage(1), debuild(1), /usr/share/doc/fakeroot/DEBUG Projecto Debian 2024-12-19 faked(1)