ZITERATE(1) ziterate ZITERATE(1)

ziterate - ZMap IP permutation generation file

ziterate [ -b <blocklist> ] [ -w <allowlist> ] [ OPTIONS... ]

ZIterate is a network tool that will produce IPv4 addresses in a psuedorandom order similar to how ZMap generates random addresses to be scanned.

File of subnets to exclude, in CIDR notation, one-per line. It is recommended you use this to exclude RFC 1918 addresses, multicast, IANA reserved space, and other IANA special-purpose addresses. An example blocklist file blacklist.conf for this purpose.
File of subnets to include, in CIDR notation, one-per line. All other subnets will be excluded.
File to log to.
Disable logging messages to syslog.
Level of log detail (0-5, default=3)
Ignore invalid entries in the blocklist. Default is false.
Seed used to select address permutation.
Cap number of IPs to generate (as a number or a percentage of the address space)

Total number of shards.
Shard this scan is targeting. Zero indexed.

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Print version and exit.
June 2017 ZMap