wikiman(1) wikiman manual wikiman(1)

wikiman - Offline search engine for manual pages, Arch Wiki, Gentoo Wiki and other documentation.

wikiman [-q] [-a] [-p] [-k] [-c]
[-l <comma separated languages>] [-s <comma separated sources>]
[-f <fuzzy finder>] [-H <html viewer>] [-R] <keyword>...
wikiman -S
wikiman -W <shell>
wikiman -v
wikiman -h

If no keywords are provided, show all pages.

Wikiman is an offline search engine for manual pages, Arch Wiki, Gentoo Wiki and other documentation.

Wikiman provides an easy interface for browsing documentation without the need to be exact and connected to the internet. This is achieved by utilizing full text search for wikis, partial name and description matching for man pages, and fuzzy filtering for search results.

-l <comma separated languages>
search language(s)
default: en

-s <comma separated sources>
sources to use
default: (all available)

-f <fuzzy finder>
fuzzy finder to use
default: fzf

enable quick search mode

enable AND operator mode

disable quick result preview

keep open after viewing a result

show source column

-H <html viewer>
viewer for HTML pages
default: w3m

print raw output

list available sources and exit

-W <shell>
print widget code for specified shell and exit

print version and exit

display help and exit

Default user configuration file location: ~/.config/wikiman/wikiman.conf (if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set).

System-wide configuration location: /etc/wikiman.conf

sources =

fuzzy_finder = fzf

quick_search = false

and_operator = false

raw_output = false

man_lang = en

wiki_lang = en

List all man languages besides English (en):
find '/usr/share/man' -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name 'man*' -printf '%P '

List all Arch Wiki languages:
find '/usr/share/doc/arch-wiki/html' -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%P '

List all FreeBSD Documentation languages:
find '/usr/share/doc/freebsd-docs' -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%P '

tui_preview = true

tui_keep_open = false

tui_source_column = false

tui_html = w3m

Default user sources directory: ~/.config/wikiman/sources (if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set).

System-wide sources directory: /usr/share/wikiman/sources

To install an additional source called <name>, download it using Wikiman's Makefile:

sudo make install source-<name>

15 September 2023 wikiman 2.13.2