visualboyadvance-m(6) Games Manual visualboyadvance-m(6)

VisualBoyAdvance-M - A wxWidgets GUI for a high compatibility Gameboy Advance Emulator integrating the best features from various Visual Boy Advance builds.

visualboyadvance-m [options]

VisualBoyAdvance-M is a Nintendo Game Boy Emulator with high compatibility with commercial games.

It emulates the Nintendo Game Boy Advance hand held console, in addition to the original Game Boy hand held systems and its Super and Color variants.

VBA-M is a continued development of the now inactive VisualBoy Advance project, with many improvements from various builds of VBA.

This application is the wxWidgets GUI version of VisualBoyAdvance-M.

Show help message
Generate verbose log messages
Save built-in XRC file and exit
Save built-in vba-over.ini and exit
Print configuration path and exit
Start in full-screen mode
Delete shared link state first, if it exists
List all settable options and exit

This manual page was written by Jeremy Newton (Mystro256). This man page is licensed as GPLv2 or later.

December 10, 2016