tuned-adm - command line tool for switching between different tuning profiles

tuned-adm [list | active | profile [profile]... | profile_info [profile]... | off | auto_profile | profile_mode | verify [-i | --ignore-missing] | recommend | instance_acquire_devices devices instance | get_instances [plugin] | instance_get_devices instance]

This command line utility allows you to switch between user definable tuning profiles. Several predefined profiles are already included. You can even create your own profile, either based on one of the existing ones by copying it or make a completely new one. The distribution provided profiles are stored in subdirectories below /usr/lib/tuned/profiles/ and the user defined profiles in subdirectories below /etc/tuned/profiles/. If there are profiles with the same name in both places, user defined profiles have precedence.

List all available profiles.
profiles List all available profiles.

plugins List all available plugins.

-v, --verbose List plugin's configuration options and their hints.

Show current active profile.
Switches to the given profile. If more than one profile is given, the profiles are merged (in case of conflicting settings, the setting from the last profile is used) and the resulting profile is applied. If no profile is given, then all available profiles are listed. If the profile given is not valid, the command gracefully exits without performing any operation.
Show information/description of given profile or current profile if no profile is specified.
Verifies current profile against system settings. Outputs information whether system settings match current profile or not (e.g. somebody modified a sysfs/sysctl value by hand). Detailed information about what is checked, what value is set and what value is expected can be found in the log. With the -i or --ignore-missing it does not treat missing tuning (tuning unsupported by the platform) as error.
Recommend a profile suitable for your system. Currently only static detection is implemented - it decides according to data in /etc/system-release-cpe and virt-what output. The rules for autodetection are defined in the file /usr/lib/tuned/recommend.d/50-tuned.conf. The default rules recommend profiles targeted to the best performance, or the balanced profile if unsure.

The default rules can be overridden by the user by putting a file named recommend.conf into /etc/tuned, or by creating a file in the /etc/tuned/recommend.d directory. The file /etc/tuned/recommend.conf is evaluated first. If no match is found, the files in the /etc/tuned/recommend.d directory are merged with the files in the /usr/lib/tuned/recommend.d directory (if there is a file with the same name in both directories, the one from /etc/tuned/recommend.d is used) and the files are evaluated in alphabetical order. The first matching entry is used.

Enable automatic profile selection mode, switch to the recommended profile.
Show current profile selection mode.
Move all provided devices under the given plugin instance. The plugin instance is identified using its name from the TuneD profile.

The devices are specified using a comma-separated list. When moving a set of CPUs, it is possible to use the cpulist syntax by including the 'cpulist:' prefix. For instance, 'cpulist:0,2-4' will move the devices cpu0, cpu1, cpu2, and cpu4.

List active instances of a given plugin or all active instances if no plugin is specified.
List devices currently assigned to a given instance.
Unload tunings.


tuned(8) tuned.conf(5) tuned-profiles(7) tuned-profiles-atomic(7) tuned-profiles-sap(7) tuned-profiles-sap-hana(7) tuned-profiles-mssql(7) tuned-profiles-oracle(7) tuned-profiles-realtime(7) tuned-profiles-nfv-host(7) tuned-profiles-nfv-guest(7) tuned-profiles-cpu-partitioning(7) tuned-profiles-compat(7) tuned-profiles-postgresql(7) tuned-profiles-openshift(7) tuned-profiles-spectrumscale-ece(7)

Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com>
Jan Kaluža <jkaluza@redhat.com>
Jan Včelák <jvcelak@redhat.com>
Marcela Mašláňová <mmaslano@redhat.com>
Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com>
30 Mar 2017 Fedora Power Management SIG