TLDR(1) tldr TLDR(1)

tldr - tldr 3.2.0

Python command line client for tldr

usage: tldr command [options]

command to lookup

show program's version number and exit
Search for a specific command from a query
Update the local cache of pages and exit

Default: False

Possible choices: linux, osx, sunos, windows, common

Override the operating system [linux, osx, sunos, windows, common]

List all available commands for operating system

Default: False

Override the default page source

Default: ""

Override color stripping
Render local markdown files

Default: False

Override the default language
Just print the plain page file.

Default: False

Possible choices: bash, zsh, tcsh

print shell completion script

Felix Yan

2024, Felix Yan

April 21, 2024