texlinks(1) March texlinks(1)

texlinks - maintain symbolic links from format to engine

texlinks [ OPTIONS... ] DIRECTORIES...

texlinks is used to create or recreate symbolic links from formats to engines according to the information in fmtutil.cnf or a file specified with --cnffile.

DIRECTORIES is an optional list of directories in which to operate. If no directories are specified the list of directories depends on the --multiplatform option.

use file as configuration file (default: fmtutil.cnf)
show some help text
operate in all platform-specific directories (default: operate only in the directory for this platform)
silently skip over existing scripts/binaries instead of printing a warning
Unlink previously created symlinks
+set verbose mode on (default: off)

default configuration file

fmtutil(1), fmtutil.cnf(5)

Web page: https://tug.org/texlive/

Email bug reports to https://lists.tug.org/tex-k (public mailing list).

texlinks was written by Thomas Esser in 1999. texlinks has been released into the public domain.

This manual page was written by C.M. Connelly for the Debian GNU/Linux system. It is now maintained as part of TeX Live.