CTAN-O-MAT(1) Gerd Neugebauer CTAN-O-MAT(1)

ctan-o-mat - Validate and upload a package for CTAN

ctan-o-mat [options] [<package configuration>]

This program can be used to automate the upload of a package to the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (https://www.ctan.org). The description of the package is taken from a configuration file. Thus it can be updated easily without the need to fill a Web form with the same old information again and again.

The provided information is validated in any case. If the validation succeeds and not only the validation is requested then the provided archive file is placed in the incoming area of the CTAN for further processing by the CTAN team.

In any case any finding during the validation is reported at the end of the processing. Note that the validation is the default and a official submission has to be requested by the an appropriate command line option.

ctan-o-mat requires an Internet connection to the CTAN server. Even the validation retrieves the known attributes and the basic constraints from the server.

The default configuration is read from a file with the same name as the current directory an the extension .pkg. This file name can be overwritten on the command line.

The configuration depends on the features currently supported by the CTAN server. Since these features can change over time the configuration is not hard-coded in ctan-o-mat. You can request an empty template of the configuration via the command line parameter "--init".

Print this short summary about the usage and exit the program.
Create an empty template for a configuration.
List the known licenses of CTAN to the standard output stream. Each license is represented as one line. The line contains the fields key, name, free indicator. Those fields are separated by tab characters. Afterwards the program terminates without processing any further arguments.
Set the package configuration file.
Upload the submission, validate it and officially submit it to CTAN it the validation succeeds.
Print some more information during the processing (verbose mode).
Print the version number of this program and exit.
Do not perform the final upload. The package is validated and the resulting messages are printed.
This parameter is the name of a package configuration (see section CONFIGURATION) contained in a file. If not set otherwise the package configuration defaults to the name of the current directory with ".pkg" appended.

The following environment variables are recognized by ctan-o-mat.

The value is the URL prefix for the CTAN server to be contacted. The default is "https://ctan.org/submit". The complete URL is constructed by appending "validate", "upload", or "fields" to use the respective CTAN REST API.

If you need to connect to the Internet via a proxy then this can be achieved by setting some environment variables before running ctan-o-mat. To redirect the request via the proxy simply define an environment variable "http_proxy" to point to the proxy host -- including protocol and port as required. Note that the name of the environment variable is supposed to be in lower case.

Gerd Neugebauer (gene@gerd-neugebauer.de)

The program can not be used without a working connection to the Internet.
2017-11-23 ctan-o-mat