ssh-openpgp-auth-authenticate(1) General Commands Manual ssh-openpgp-auth-authenticate(1)

ssh-openpgp-auth-authenticate - Fetches OpenPGP host certificates, verifies it and prints host keys in SSH format on successful verification

ssh-openpgp-auth authenticate [-t|--time] [-c|--cert-store] [--nameserver] [--verify-dns-proof] [--verify-wot] [--verbose] [--store-verifications] [-h|--help] <HOST>

Fetches OpenPGP host certificates, verifies it and prints host keys in SSH format on successful verification

Certificate time. By default now. Example: 2021-11-21T11:11:11Z
Certificate store. By default uses user's shared PGP certificate directory
May also be specified with the PGP_CERT_D environment variable.
Nameserver to use for DNS lookups (if enabled)
Verify Keyoxide DNS proofs of certificates
Verify the certificates using local Web of Trust network
Print details of the verification process. Useful for debugging
Store verification results in the OpenPGP certificate
Print help
Target host to authenticate. This should be a DNS name