SKATE(1) Skate, a personal key value store. SKATE(1)

skate - Skate, a personal key value store.

skate [options...] [argument...]

Delete a key with an optional @ db.
Get a value for a key with an optional @ db.
--b --show-binary print binary values
Help about any command
Link multiple machines to your Charm account
List key value pairs with an optional @ db.
--d --delimiter delimiter to separate keys and values
only print keys and don't fetch values from the db
list in reverse lexicographic order
print binary values
only print values
List databases.
Delete local db and pull down fresh copy from Charm Cloud.
Set a value for a key with an optional @ db.
Sync local db with latest Charm Cloud db.

(C) 2021-2022 Charmbracelet, Inc.

Released under MIT license.

2023-02-21 skate