SQ(1) User Commands SQ(1)

sq autocrypt import - Import Autocrypt-encoded certificates

sq autocrypt import [OPTIONS] FILE

Import Autocrypt-encoded certificates.

Given a mail containing autocrypt headers (or an key-gossip headers), this command extracts and imports the certificates encoded within it.

Decrypt the message using the key in KEY_FILE
Decrypt an encrypted message using SESSION-KEY
Read from FILE or stdin if omitted
[default: -]

See sq(1) for a description of the global options.

Imports all certificates from a mail

sq autocrypt import autocrypt.eml

sq(1), sq-autocrypt(1).

For the full documentation see https://book.sequoia-pgp.org.

0.35.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.20.0)

0.35.0 Sequoia PGP