determine_maximum_mpps - Determine the maximum mpps the machine can handle

determine_maximum_mpps [-a cpulist] [-m maxlat] [-n cycles] [-f | -r] [-p priority] [-h]

determine_maximum_mpps will find the maximum mpps parameter which can sustain

1. 10 consecutive 30 second runs.
2. 1 run of 10 minutes.

Without violating the latency specified with $MAXLAT (default 20000)

mpps : million-packets-per-second

List of processors to run on. The default is processor 0
Numbers are separated by commas and may include ranges. Eg. 0,3,7-11
Maximum latency in nanoseconds. The default is 20000. If the maximum is exceeded, that run of queuelat quits.
Extimated number of cycles it takes to process one packet. The default is 300
Set the scheduling policy to SCHED_FIFO. This is the default if not specified.
Set the scheduling policy to SCHED_RR.
default priority = 1. Valid numbers are from 1 to 99

determine_maximum_mpps was written by
Marcelo Tosatti <>

This man page was written by John Kacur <>

December 4, 2020