RINK(5) Rink Manual RINK(5)

rink - TOML configuration file format.

Rink’s configuration file uses the TOML format.

Duration types accept common suffixes like ms, s, h, d, y. Size types accept suffixes like MB.

Color strings are a set of keywords separated by spaces. The following keywords are understood:

black, red, green, yellow, blue, purple, cyan, white

Sets the color to that ANSI color.


Uses a dimmed variant of the color instead of the bright variant.

bold, italic, underline/under, strikethrough



Makes the text invisible.


The color keyword after this will apply to the background instead of the foreground. Example: black on red.


Results in unstyled text.

integers 0 to 255

Extended terminal color palette codes.

# <6 hex letters>

Hex codes can be used to specify truecolor. Example: #000000

rgb( <red> , <green> , <blue> )

RGB values can be used to specify truecolor. No spaces are allowed. Example: rgb(10,10,10)

The [rink] section.

prompt = <string>

The text that will be displayed before the cursor, to hint interactivity. Should include the space character. Default: "> "

long_output = <bool>

Breaks lists, such as search results, over multiple lines. Requires a Unicode-capable terminal. Default: false

The [currency] section.

enabled = <bool>

Currency fetching can be disabled for those that don’t want it. Default: true

endpoint = <url>

Allows pointing to alternate Rink-Web instances, or to any other API that offers a compatible format. Default: "https://rinkcalc.app/data/currency.json"

timeout = <duration>

How long to wait for currency fetching before giving up. Default: "2s"

cache_duration = <duration>

How long to wait before considering the cached currency data stale. Default: "1h"

The [colors] section.

enabled = <bool>

Set to true to turn on colored output. Default: true, or false if the NO_COLOR environment variable is set.

theme = <string>

Sets the active theme. See the THEMES section. Default: "default"

The [themes] section. This section is a dictionary, each theme should be created as [themes.my_theme]. These options are specific to each.

plain = <color>

Generic text. This will be used often. Default: "default"

error = <color>

Error messages. Default: "red"

unit = <color>

The names of units, like kilogram. Default: "cyan"

quantity = <color>

The names of physical quantities, like length and time. These are shown in parentheses on every query. Default: "dimmed cyan"

number = <color>

Numbers that appear in outputs. Default: "default"

user_input = <color>

Used when rink is quoting user input back, such as in unit not found errors. Default: "bold"

doc_string = <color>

Used when rink is showing informational text that’s part of the definition of a unit, like meter. Default: "italic"

pow = <color>

The ^2 in m/s^2. Default: "default"

prop_name = <color>

Names of properties in substances, like the speed in speed of light. Default: "cyan"

date_time = <color>

Date time objects, that can be obtained with the hash notation or now. Default: "default"






__$HOME__/Library/Application Support/rink/config.toml

rink(1), rink(7), rink-defs(5), rink-dates(5)

2024-05-01 Rink Manual