podman-farm-list(1) General Commands Manual podman-farm-list(1)

podman-farm-list - List the existing farms

podman farm list [options]

podman farm ls [options]

List all the existing farms.


Change the default output format. This can be of a supported type like 'json' or a Go template. Valid placeholders for the Go template listed below:

Placeholder Description
.Connections List of all system connections in the farm
.Default Indicates whether farm is the default
.Name Farm name
.ReadWrite Indicates if this farm can be modified using the podman farm commands

List all farms:

$ podman farm list
Name        Connections  Default     ReadWrite
farm1       [f38 f37]    false       true
farm2       [f37]        true        true

podman(1), podman-farm(1)

July 2023, Originally compiled by Urvashi Mohnani (umohnani at redhat dot com)