partclone.restore - restore partclone image to device.

partclone.restore {[-s | --sourcesource} {[[-o | --output] [-O | --overwrite]] target} [[-dX | --debug=X] [--restore_raw_file] [-z | --buffer_size] [-N | --ncurses] [-q | --quiet] [-f | --UI-fresh] [-F | --force] [-I | --ignore_fschk] [--ignore_crc] [-C | --nocheck] [-R | --rescue] [-L | --logfilelogfile [-w | --skip_write_error] [--write-direct-io] [-w | --skip_write_error] [-E | --offset=X] [-T | --btfiles] [-t | --btfiles_torrent] [-B | --no_block_detail]]

partclone.restore is a part of Partclone project to restore all image made from partclone.[fstype] or partclone.dd. Partclone provide utilities to backup used blocks and design for higher compatibility of the file system by using existing library, e.g. e2fslibs is used to read the used block of ext2 partition.

Partclone supported file system include btrfs, ext2, ext3, ext4, reiserfs, reiser4, xfs and jfs for LINUX. Also support some non-linux operation system, ex: NTFS, FAT, EXFAT (for Windows), HFS plus (APPLE MAC OS), UFS2 (FreeBSD), VMFS (VMWare Vsphere). All partclone utils could be run like is very smiliar fsck or mkfs. For example, for backup/restore hfsplus, just run partclone.hfsp.

The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

-s FILE, --source FILE

Source FILE. The FILE could be a image file (made by partclone) or device depend on your action. Normally, backup source is device, restore source is image file.

Receving data from pipe line is supported ONLY for restoring, just ignore -s option or use '-' means receive data from stdin.

-o FILE, --output FILE

Output FILE. The FILE could be a image file (partclone will generate) or device depend on your action. Normally, backup output to image file and restore output to device.

Sending data to pipe line is also supported ONLY for back-up, just ignore -o option or use '-' means send data to stdout.

-O FILE, --overwrite FILE

Overwrite FILE, overwriting if exists.


Creating special raw file for loop device.

-L FILE, --logfile FILE

put special path to record partclone log information. (default /var/log/partclone.log)

-R, --rescue

Continue after disk read errors.

-C, --no_check

Don't check device size and free space.

-N, --ncurses

Using Ncurses Text User Interface.

-X, --dialog

Output message as Dialog Format.

-I, --ignore_fschk

Ignore filesystem check.


Ignore crc check error.

-F, --force

Force progress.

-f sec, --UI-fresh sec

put special second to different interval.

-z size, --buffer_size size

Read/write buffer size (default: 1048576)

-q, --quiet

Disable progress message.

-dlevel, --debug level

Set the debug level [1|2|3]

-h, --help

Show summary of options.

-v, --version

Show version of program.


The log file of partclone.restore

 restore /dev/hda1 from hda1.img and display debug information.
  partclone.restore -d -s hda1.img -o /dev/hda1
 restore image from clonezilla (split, gzip,) with stdin source 
  cat  sda1.ext3-ptcl-img.gz.a*  | gunzip -c | partclone.restore -d -s - -o /dev/sda1
 restore  raw  image  from  partclone.dd  
  partclone.dd  -d  -c  -s  /dev/sda1  -o  - | partclone.restore -d -s - -o /dev/sdb1

The following diagnostics may be issued on stderr:

partclone.restore provides some return codes, that can be used in scripts:

Code Diagnostic
0 Program exited successfully.
1 Clone or Restore seem failed.

Report bugs to or

You can get support at

partclone(8), partclone.chkimg(8), partclone.restore(8), partclone.dd(8),

Yu-Chin Tsai <>

Copyright © 2007 Yu-Chin Tsai

This manual page was written for the Debian system (and may be used by others).

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or (at your option) any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.

10/04/2023 partclone.restore