oct(1) General Commands Manual oct(1)

oct - A tool for inspecting and configuring OpenPGP cards

oct [--output-format] [--output-version] [-h|--help] [-V|--version] <subcommands>

A tool for inspecting and configuring OpenPGP cards

Produce output in the chosen format

[possible values: json, text, yaml]

Pick output version to use, for non-textual formats
Print help
Print version

Enumerate available OpenPGP cards
Show information about the data on a card
Show technical details about a card
Show a card's authentication key as an SSH public key
Export the key data on a card as an OpenPGP public key
Administer data on a card (including keys and metadata)
PIN management (change PINs, reset blocked PINs)
Decrypt data using a card
Sign data using a card
Attestation management (Yubico only)
Initialization and similar functionality
Show supported output format versions
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


Heiko Schaefer <heiko@schaefer.name>

oct 0.10.1