OPAM-INSTALLER(1) Opam-installer Manual OPAM-INSTALLER(1)

opam-installer - Handles (un)installation of package files following instructions from opam *.install files.

opam-installer [OPTION]… [PKG.install]

The opam .install file to read for installation instructions

Documentation dir. Relative to prefix or absolute. By default $prefix/doc.
--help[=FMT] (default=auto)
Show this help in format FMT. The value FMT must be one of auto, pager, groff or plain. With auto, the format is pager or plain whenever the TERM env var is dumb or undefined.
-i, --install
Install the package (the default)
OCaml lib dir. Relative to prefix or absolute. By default $prefix/lib ; sometimes setting this to $(ocamlc -where) is preferable.
Manpages dir. Relative to prefix or absolute. By default $prefix/man.
Specify the package name. Used to set install directory under `share/', etc. By default, basename of the .install file
--prefix=PREFIX (absent=/usr/local)
The prefix to install to. You can use eg '$PREFIX' to output a relocatable script
Don't execute the commands, but output a shell-script (experimental)
Stubs installation dir. Relative to prefix or absolute. By default $libdir/stublibs.
Toplevel install dir. Relative to prefix or absolute. By default $libdir/toplevel.
-u, --uninstall, --remove
Remove the package
Show version information.
Opam-installer 2.2.1