ONEFETCH(1) User Commands ONEFETCH(1)

onefetch - Command-line Git information tool

onefetch [OPTIONS] [INPUT]

Command-line Git information tool

Run as if onefetch was started in <input> instead of the current working directory

-h, --help

Print help (see a summary with '-h')

-V, --version

Print version

-d, --disabled-fields <FIELD>...

Allows you to disable FIELD(s) from appearing in the output


Hides the title

--number-of-authors <NUM>

Maximum NUM of authors to be shown
[default: 3]

--number-of-languages <NUM>

Maximum NUM of languages to be shown
[default: 6]

--number-of-file-churns <NUM>

Maximum NUM of file churns to be shown
[default: 3]

--churn-pool-size <NUM>

Minimum NUM of commits from HEAD used to compute the churn summary
By default, the actual value is non-deterministic due to time-based computation and will be displayed under the info title "Churn (NUM)"

-e, --exclude <EXCLUDE>...

Ignore all files & directories matching EXCLUDE

--no-bots [<REGEX>]

Exclude [bot] commits. Use <REGEX> to override the default pattern


Ignores merge commits

-E, --email

Show the email address of each author


Count hidden files and directories

-T, --type <TYPE>...

Filters output by language type
[default: programming markup] [possible values: programming, markup, prose, data]

-t, --text-colors <X>...

Changes the text colors (X X X...)
Goes in order of title, ~, underline, subtitle, colon, and info
For example:
'--text-colors 9 10 11 12 13 14'

-z, --iso-time

Use ISO 8601 formatted timestamps

--number-separator <SEPARATOR>

Which thousands SEPARATOR to use
[default: plain] [possible values: plain, comma, space, underscore]


Turns off bold formatting

--ascii-input <STRING>

Takes a non-empty STRING as input to replace the ASCII logo
It is possible to pass a generated STRING by command substitution
For example:
'--ascii-input "$(fortune | cowsay -W 25)"'

-c, --ascii-colors <X>...

Colors (X X X...) to print the ascii art

-a, --ascii-language <LANGUAGE>

Which LANGUAGE's ascii art to print

--true-color <WHEN>

Specify when to use true color
If set to auto: true color will be enabled if supported by the terminal
[default: auto] [possible values: auto, never, always]

-i, --image <IMAGE>

Path to the IMAGE file

--image-protocol <PROTOCOL>

Which image PROTOCOL to use
[possible values: kitty, sixel, iterm]

--color-resolution <VALUE>

VALUE of color resolution to use with SIXEL backend
[default: 16] [possible values: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256]


Hides the color palette


Hides the ascii art or image if provided

-o, --output <FORMAT>

Outputs Onefetch in a specific format
[possible values: json, yaml]

--generate <SHELL>

If provided, outputs the completion file for given SHELL
[possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]

-l, --languages

Prints out supported languages

-p, --package-managers

Prints out supported package managers

The full documentation for onefetch is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and onefetch programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info onefetch

should give you access to the complete manual.

March 2024 onefetch 2.20.0