netserver(1) General Commands Manual netserver(1)

netserver - a network performance benchmark server

netserver [-4] [-6] [-d] [-h] [-L name,family] [-p portnum] [-v verbosity] [-V]

Netserver listens for connections from a netperf benchmark, and responds accordingly. It can either be run from inetd or as a standalone daemon (with the -p flag). If run from inetd the -p option should not be used.

Use AF_INET (aka IPv4) addressing for the control and possibly data connections.
Use AF_INET6 (aka IPv6) addressing for the control and possibly data connections.
Increase the quantity of debugging output displayed during a test (possibly at the expense of performance).
Display a usage string, and exit.
Set the local name and/or address family for the socket used for the control connection.
Listen on the specified port. This is used when running as a standalone daemon.
Set the verbosity level for the test.
Display the netperf version and exit.

No known bugs at this time. If you think you have found a bug, please report it to either or

Netperf: A Network Performance Benchmark

HP Information Networks Division - Networking Performance Team.
Rick Jones <>
Karen Choy HP IND
Dave Shield <> (man pages)
Others too numerous to mention here - see the AUTHORS file