mise(1) | General Commands Manual | mise(1) |
mise - The front-end to your dev env
mise [-C|--cd] [-E|--env] [-j|--jobs] [--output] [--raw] [--no-config] [-y|--yes] [-q|--quiet] [--silent] [-v|--verbose]... [-h|--help] [TASK] [TASK_ARGS] [TASK_ARGS_LAST] [subcommands]
mise manages dev tools, env vars, and runs tasks. https://github.com/jdx/mise
- -C, --cd=DIR
- Change directory before running command
- -E, --env=ENV
- Set the environment for loading `mise.<ENV>.toml`
- -j, --jobs=JOBS
- How many jobs to run in parallel [default: 8]
- --output=OUTPUT
- --raw
- Read/write directly to stdin/stdout/stderr instead of by line
- --no-config
- Do not load any config files
Can also use `MISE_NO_CONFIG=1`
- -y, --yes
- Answer yes to all confirmation prompts
- -q, --quiet
- Suppress non-error messages
- --silent
- Suppress all task output and mise non-error messages
- -v, --verbose
- Show extra output (use -vv for even more)
- -h, --help
- Print help (see a summary with '-h')
- [TASK]
- Task to run.
Shorthand for `mise task run <TASK>`.
- mise-activate(1)
- Initializes mise in the current shell session
- mise-alias(1)
- Manage version aliases.
- mise-backends(1)
- Manage backends
- mise-bin-paths(1)
- List all the active runtime bin paths
- mise-cache(1)
- Manage the mise cache
- mise-completion(1)
- Generate shell completions
- mise-config(1)
- Manage config files
- mise-deactivate(1)
- Disable mise for current shell session
- mise-doctor(1)
- Check mise installation for possible problems
- mise-en(1)
- [experimental] starts a new shell with the mise environment built from the current configuration
- mise-env(1)
- Exports env vars to activate mise a single time
- mise-exec(1)
- Execute a command with tool(s) set
- mise-fmt(1)
- Formats mise.toml
- mise-generate(1)
- [experimental] Generate files for various tools/services
- mise-implode(1)
- Removes mise CLI and all related data
- mise-install(1)
- Install a tool version
- mise-install-into(1)
- Install a tool version to a specific path
- mise-latest(1)
- Gets the latest available version for a plugin
- mise-link(1)
- Symlinks a tool version into mise
- mise-ls(1)
- List installed and active tool versions
- mise-ls-remote(1)
- List runtime versions available for install.
- mise-outdated(1)
- Shows outdated tool versions
- mise-plugins(1)
- Manage plugins
- mise-prune(1)
- Delete unused versions of tools
- mise-registry(1)
- List available tools to install
- mise-reshim(1)
- Creates new shims based on bin paths from currently installed tools.
- mise-run(1)
- Run task(s)
- mise-self-update(1)
- Updates mise itself.
- mise-set(1)
- Set environment variables in mise.toml
- mise-settings(1)
- Manage settings
- mise-shell(1)
- Sets a tool version for the current session.
- mise-sync(1)
- Synchronize tools from other version managers with mise
- mise-tasks(1)
- Manage tasks
- mise-test-tool(1)
- Test a tool installs and executes
- mise-tool(1)
- Gets information about a tool
- mise-trust(1)
- Marks a config file as trusted
- mise-uninstall(1)
- Removes installed tool versions
- mise-unset(1)
- Remove environment variable(s) from the config file.
- mise-unuse(1)
- Removes installed tool versions from mise.toml
- mise-upgrade(1)
- Upgrades outdated tools
- mise-use(1)
- Installs a tool and adds the version to mise.toml.
- mise-version(1)
- Display the version of mise
- mise-watch(1)
- Run task(s) and watch for changes to rerun it
- mise-where(1)
- Display the installation path for a tool
- mise-which(1)
- Shows the path that a tool's bin points to.
- mise-help(1)
- Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
$ mise install node@20.0.0 Install a specific node version
$ mise install node@20 Install a version matching a prefix
$ mise install node Install the node version defined in config
$ mise install Install all plugins/tools defined in config
$ mise install cargo:ripgrep Install something via cargo
$ mise install npm:prettier Install something via npm
$ mise use node@20 Use node-20.x in current project
$ mise use -g node@20 Use node-20.x as default
$ mise use node@latest Use latest node in current directory
$ mise up --interactive Show a menu to upgrade tools
$ mise x -- npm install `npm install` w/ config loaded into PATH
$ mise x node@20 -- node app.js `node app.js` w/ config + node-20.x on
$ mise set NODE_ENV=production Set NODE_ENV=production in config
$ mise run build Run `build` tasks
$ mise watch build Run `build` tasks repeatedly when files change
$ mise settings Show settings in use
$ mise settings color=0 Disable color by modifying global config file
Jeff Dickey <@jdx>
mise |