mise(1) General Commands Manual mise(1)

mise - The front-end to your dev env

mise [-C|--cd] [-E|--env] [-j|--jobs] [--output] [--raw] [--no-config] [-y|--yes] [-q|--quiet] [--silent] [-v|--verbose]... [-h|--help] [TASK] [TASK_ARGS] [TASK_ARGS_LAST] [subcommands]

mise manages dev tools, env vars, and runs tasks. https://github.com/jdx/mise

Change directory before running command
Set the environment for loading `mise.<ENV>.toml`
How many jobs to run in parallel [default: 8]
May also be specified with the MISE_JOBS environment variable.
Read/write directly to stdin/stdout/stderr instead of by line
Do not load any config files

Can also use `MISE_NO_CONFIG=1`

Answer yes to all confirmation prompts
Suppress non-error messages
Suppress all task output and mise non-error messages
Show extra output (use -vv for even more)
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Task to run.

Shorthand for `mise task run <TASK>`.

Initializes mise in the current shell session
Manage version aliases.
Manage backends
List all the active runtime bin paths
Manage the mise cache
Generate shell completions
Manage config files
Disable mise for current shell session
Check mise installation for possible problems
[experimental] starts a new shell with the mise environment built from the current configuration
Exports env vars to activate mise a single time
Execute a command with tool(s) set
Formats mise.toml
[experimental] Generate files for various tools/services
Removes mise CLI and all related data
Install a tool version
Install a tool version to a specific path
Gets the latest available version for a plugin
Symlinks a tool version into mise
List installed and active tool versions
List runtime versions available for install.
Shows outdated tool versions
Manage plugins
Delete unused versions of tools
List available tools to install
Creates new shims based on bin paths from currently installed tools.
Run task(s)
Updates mise itself.
Set environment variables in mise.toml
Manage settings
Sets a tool version for the current session.
Synchronize tools from other version managers with mise
Manage tasks
Test a tool installs and executes
Gets information about a tool
Marks a config file as trusted
Removes installed tool versions
Remove environment variable(s) from the config file.
Removes installed tool versions from mise.toml
Upgrades outdated tools
Installs a tool and adds the version to mise.toml.
Display the version of mise
Run task(s) and watch for changes to rerun it
Display the installation path for a tool
Shows the path that a tool's bin points to.
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


$ mise install node@20.0.0 Install a specific node version
$ mise install node@20 Install a version matching a prefix
$ mise install node Install the node version defined in config
$ mise install Install all plugins/tools defined in config

$ mise install cargo:ripgrep Install something via cargo
$ mise install npm:prettier Install something via npm

$ mise use node@20 Use node-20.x in current project
$ mise use -g node@20 Use node-20.x as default
$ mise use node@latest Use latest node in current directory

$ mise up --interactive Show a menu to upgrade tools

$ mise x -- npm install `npm install` w/ config loaded into PATH
$ mise x node@20 -- node app.js `node app.js` w/ config + node-20.x on PATH

$ mise set NODE_ENV=production Set NODE_ENV=production in config

$ mise run build Run `build` tasks
$ mise watch build Run `build` tasks repeatedly when files change

$ mise settings Show settings in use
$ mise settings color=0 Disable color by modifying global config file

Jeff Dickey <@jdx>
