MACCHINA(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual MACCHINA(7)

macchina - theming.

$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/macchina/themes, ~/.config/macchina/themes.

Themes are your interface to customizing all visual aspects of macchina. The following manpage covers everything you need to know to design your own theme.

General options should be set at the top of the theme's configuration file, as they do not belong to any particular section.

Defines the amount of spacing to leave between the separator and the content besides it, e.g.:

spacing = 1

Defines the amount of padding to leave between the content and its surroundings, e.g.:

padding = 0

Disables the rendering of ASCII, whether it be built-in or custom, e.g.:

hide_ascii = false

For built-in ASCII, always use smaller variants, e.g.:

prefer_small_ascii = true

Defines the glyph to use for the separator, e.g.:

separator = "-->"

Defines the color of the keys.

Accepts hexadecimal values:

color = "#00FF00"

Indexed values:

color = "046"

Predefined color names, where casing is insensitive:

color = "Green"

Defines the color of the separator.

Accepts hexadecimal values:

color = "#00FF00"

Indexed values:

color = "046"

Predefined color names, where casing is insensitive:

color = "Green"

This section, noted [palette], offers a visual component that displays and represents the active colorscheme of your terminal emulator.

Defines the color set to use for the palette, with possible values of "Dark", "Light", "Full" (case-sensitive).

Defines the glyph to use for the palette, e.g.:

glyph = "() "

You should append a space to leave some room between the glyphs.

Defines whether to show or hide the palette, e.g.:

visible = true

This section, noted [bar], replaces data that ranges from 0-100% with bars.

Defines the glyph to use for all bars, e.g.:

glyph = "o"

Defines the character to use for opening delimiters. Be sure

to surround the value with single quotes and not double quotes, e.g.:

symbol_open = '('

Defines the character to use for closing delimiters. Be sure to surround the value with single quotes and not double quotes, e.g.:

symbol_close = ')'

Defines whether to show or hide the bars, e.g.:

visible = true

Defines whether to show or hide the bars delimiters, i.e. the characters that surround the bars themselves, e.g.:

hide_delimiters = false

The section, noted [box], offers a box component which is rendered to surround your system information.

Defines the title of the box, e.g.:

title = "Hydrogen"

Defines the type of border to use for the box, with possible values of "plain", "thick", "rounded" or "double".

Defines whether to show or hide the box, e.g.:

visible = true

Defines the horizontal margin to leave between the content and the box, e.g.:

x = 2

Defines the vertical margin to leave between the content and the box, e.g.:

y = 1

This section, noted [custom_ascii], allows you to specify your own ASCII art. ANSI escape sequences are supported.

Defines the color of the ASCII.

Accepts hexadecimal values:

color = "#00FF00"

Indexed values:

color = "046"

Predefined color names (case-insensitive):

color = "Green"

Defines the path to a file on your filesystem which contains the ASCII art you want to display, e.g.:

path = "~/ascii/arch_linux"

This section, noted [randomize], is used to randomize color selection.

Defines whether to randomize the color of the keys, e.g.:

key_color = true

Defines whether to randomize the color of the separator, e.g.:

separator_color = true

Defines the pool of colors from which to pick a random color, with possible values of "hexadecimal", "indexed" or "base" (case-insensitive).

•If "hexadecimal" is specified, you'll get a random color ranging
from #000000 to #FFFFFF
•If "indexed" is specified, you'll get a random color ranging from 0 to 255
•If "base" is specified, you'll see a random color from the following set of
colors: "black", "white", "red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "magenta" and "cyan".

This section, noted [keys], allows you to modify the text of each key.

For example, the "Processor" readout, which by default shows up as "CPU" in macchina's output, can be renamed to whatever you like by setting the "cpu" option.

Defines the text of the Host readout, e.g.:

host = "Host"

Defines the text of the Kernel readout, e.g.:

kernel = "Kernel"

Defines the text of the OperatingSystem readout, e.g.:

os = "OS"

Defines the text of the Machine readout, e.g.:

machine= "Machine"

Defines the text of the DesktopEnvironment readout, e.g.:

de = "DE"

Defines the text of the WindowManager readout, e.g.:

wm = "WM"

Defines the text of the Distribution readout, e.g.:

distro = "Distro"

Defines the text of the Terminal readout, e.g.:

terminal = "Term"

Defines the text of the Shell readout, e.g.:

shell = "Shell"

Defines the text of the Packages readout, e.g.:

packages = "Packages"

Defines the text of the Uptime readout, e.g.:

uptime = "Uptime"

Defines the text of the LocalIP readout, e.g.:

local_ip = "Local IP"

Defines the text of the Memory readout, e.g.:

memory = "Memory"

Defines the text of the Battery readout, e.g.:

battery = "Battery"

Defines the text of the Backlight readout, e.g.:

backlight = "Brightness"

Defines the text of the Resolution readout, e.g.:

resolution = "Resolution"

Defines the text of the Processor readout, e.g.:

cpu = "CPU"

Defines the text of the ProcessorLoad readout, e.g.:

cpu_load = "CPU %"

Defines the text of the GPU readout(s), e.g.:

gpu = "GPU"

Defines the text of the disk space readout, e.g.:

disk_space = "Disk Space"

