lxqt-session(1) LXQt Session Module lxqt-session(1)

lxqt-session - Session manager of LXQt: The Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment


This module handles session autostart application over LXQt desktop environment startup.

The LXQt modules are desktop independent tools, and operate as daemons for the local user on desktop specific operations.

LXQt is an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on the Qt framework. It has been tailored for users who value simplicity, speed, and an intuitive interface, with minimal resource requirements. It comprises several optional desktop components:

* Session module (this, normally invoked with startlxqt)
* Settings configuration center
* Application launcher
* Desktop
* Panel with optional plugins
* Polkit authorization agent
* SSH password access
* Display manager module
* Power management module
* Sudo/su module (privilege elevation)

These components perform similar actions to those available in other desktop environments, and their name is self-descriptive. They are usually launched automatically, when choosing a LXQt session in the Display Manager.

This application manages the LXQt session desktop behavior, module loading, and related startup programs prior loading the user workspace. By default this module loads the panel, desktop, and power management modules, thus it is important for a working LXQt session.

The modules are only shown by default in the LXQt desktop environment, but an autostart action can be created for other preferred desktop environments.

Report bugs to https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/issues

startlxqt.1 LXQt session initialization and launch script (e.g. in .xinitrc)

lxqt-config-session.1 LXQt default and autostart applications settings, plus environment settings

lxqt-config.1 LXQt settings Configuration Center interface

lxqt-leave.1 LXQt session logout, reboot, shutdown, suspend, hibernate and lock screen

lxqt-openssh-askpass.1 LXQt password access over ssh cryptography toolkit

lxqt-panel.1 LXQt desktop panel with optional plugins

lxqt-policykit-agent.1 LXQt polkit authorization agent

lxqt-runner.1 LXQt application launcher by keyboard shortcut

lxqt-sudo.1 LXQt sudo/su GUI for application privilege elevation

2015-11-05 LXQt 0.10.0