llvm-remarkutil - Remark utility

llvm-remarkutil [subcommmand] [options]

Utility for displaying information from, and converting between different remark formats.

  • bitstream2yaml - Reserialize bitstream remarks to YAML.
  • yaml2bitstream - Reserialize YAML remarks to bitstream.
  • instruction-count - Output function instruction counts.
  • annotation-count - Output remark type count from annotation remarks.

USAGE: llvm-remarkutil bitstream2yaml <input file> -o <output file>

Takes a bitstream remark file as input, and reserializes that file as YAML.

USAGE: llvm-remarkutil yaml2bitstream <input file> -o <output file>

Takes a YAML remark file as input, and reserializes that file in the bitstream format.

USAGE: llvm-remarkutil instruction-count <input file> --parser=<bitstream|yaml> [--use-debug-loc] -o <output file>

Outputs instruction count remarks for every function. Instruction count remarks encode the number of instructions in a function at assembly printing time.

Instruction count remarks require asm-printer remarks.

CSV format is as follows:

Function,InstructionCount foo,123

if --use-debug-loc is passed then the CSV will include the source path, line number and column.

Source,Function,InstructionCount path:line:column,foo,3

USAGE: llvm-remarkutil annotation-count <input file> --parser=<bitstream|yaml> --annotation-type=<type> [--use-debug-loc] -o <output file>

Outputs a count for annotation-type <type> remark for every function. The count expresses the number of remark checks inserted at the function.

Annotation count remarks require AnnotationRemarksPass remarks.

CSV format is as follows:

Function,Count foo,123

if --use-debug-loc is passed then the CSV will include the source path, line number and column.

Source,Function,Count path:line:column,foo,3

Maintained by the LLVM Team (https://llvm.org/).

2003-2024, LLVM Project

2024-05-01 17