LIBVIRT-DBUS(8) System Manager's Manual LIBVIRT-DBUS(8)

libvirt-dbus - D-Bus daemon exporting libvirt API

libvirt-dbus [OPTION]...

libvirt-dbus wraps libvirt API to provide a high-level object-oriented API better suited for dbus-based applications.

Normally libvirt-dbus is started by D-Bus daemon on demand.

-h --help

Display command line help usage then exit.


Connect to the system bus.


Connect to the session bus.

-t --threads NUM

Configure maximal number of worker threads.

Please report all bugs you discover. This should be done via either:

the mailing list
the bug tracker

Alternatively, you may report bugs to your software distribution / vendor.

Please refer to the AUTHORS file distributed with libvirt-dbus.

libvirt-dbus is Free Software and licenced under LGPLv2+.,