th_read(3) C Library Calls th_read(3)

th_read, th_write - read and write a file header block from a tar archive

#include <libtar.h>

int th_read(TAR *t);

int th_write(TAR *t);

This man page documents version 1.2 of libtar.

The th_read() function reads the next block from the tar archive associated with the TAR handle t. It then sets the current tar header associated with t to the contents of the block read.

The th_write() function writes the contents of the current tar header associated with t to the tar archive associated with t.

On successful completion, th_read() and th_write() will return 0. On failure, they will return -1 and set errno to an appropriate value.

On EOF, th_read() will return 1.

th_read() and th_write() will fail if:

Less than T_BLOCKSIZE blocks were read or written.

tar_block_read(3), tar_block_write(3)

Jan 2001 University of Illinois