FBB::Iterator(3bobcat) Iterator returning plain values FBB::Iterator(3bobcat)

FBB::Iterator - Iterator returning plain values when dereferenced

FBB::ReverseIterator - reverse_iterator for FBB::Iterator

#include <bobcat/iterator>

The FBB::Iterator<Type> class template implements a bidirectional iterator for plain data types. Dereferencing FBB::Iterator objects returns values of type Type, e.g., char or int. This iterator comes in handy in case you need to initialize an objects with a range of values, which are of some basic type (see also the EXAMPLE section).

FBB::ReverseIterator implements a reverse iterator for FBB::Iterator.

All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page, are defined in the namespace FBB.

std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, ...>

Constructors for Iterator<Type>:

explicit Iterator(Tye const &value):
This constructor initializes the Iterator object with an initial Type value. When dereferencing this iterator, value is returned.

The Iterator<Type>’s default, copy, and move constructors (and its copy and move assignment operators) are available.

Constructors for ReverseIterator<Type>:

explicit ReverseIterator(Type const &value):
This constructor initializes the ReverseIterator object with an initial Type value. When dereferencing this iterator immediately following its construction, the decremented value is returned (without modifying the internally stored Type value);
explicit ReverseIterator(Iterator<Type> const &iter):
This constructor initializes the ReverseIterator object with an initial Iterator<Type> object. When dereferencing this iterator immediately following its construction, the decremented Iterator’s value is returned (without modifying the Type value that is stored inside the Iterator).

The ReverseIterator<Type>’s default, copy, and move constructors (and its copy and move assignment operators) are available.

For template parameter type Type all members of std::iterator<std:::reverse_iterator_tag, Type> are available, as FBB::Iterator and FBB::ReverseIterator inherit from this class.

Iterator<Type> &operator++():
The (prefix) increment operator increments the iterator’s value and returns a reference to itself;
Iterator<Type> &operator++(int):
The (postfix) increment operator increments the iterator’s value and returns a copy of itself, initialized with the iterator’s value before it was incremented;
Iterator<Type> &operator--():
The (prefix) decrement operator decrements the iterator’s value and returns a reference to itself;
Iterator<Type> &operator--(int):
The (postfix) decrement operator decrements the iterator’s value and returns a copy of itself, initialized with the iterator’s value before it was decremented;
bool operator==(Iterator<Type> const &rhs) const:
This operator returns true if the value of the current Iterator object is equal to the value of the rhs Iterator object;
bool operator!=(Iterator<Type> const &rhs) const:
This operator returns true if the value of the current Iterator object is not equal to the value of the rhs Iterator object;
Type &operator*():
The derefence operator returns a reference to the Iterator’s value.
Type const &operator*() const:
This derefence operator returns a reference to the Iterator’s immutable value.

Static members of Iterator<Type>:

Iterator<Type> last(Type value):
An Iterator<Type> object is returned initialized with ++value, so it can be conveniently be used to create an inclusive iterator range (see also section EXAMPLE);
Iterator<Type> max():
An Iterator<Type> object is returned initialized with the value returned by std::numeric_limits<Type>::max();
Iterator<Type> min():
An Iterator<Type> object is returned initialized with the value returned by std::numeric_limits<Type>::min()

Static member of ReverseIterator<Type>:

ReverseIterator<Type> last(Type const &value):
A ReverseIterator<Type> object is returned initialized with Iterator<Type>::last(value), so it can be conveniently be used to create an inclusive reverse iterator range (see also section EXAMPLE);

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <bobcat/iterator>
using namespace std;
using namespace FBB;
int main()
    copy(Iterator<int>(10), Iterator<int>(20),
            ostream_iterator<int>(cout, ", "));
    cout << ’\n’;
    copy(Iterator<char>(*Iterator<char>::max() - 9),
            ostream_iterator<int>(cout, ", "));
    cout << ’\n’;
    cout << *Iterator<int>::max() << ’\n’;
    copy(Iterator<int>(*Iterator<int>::max() - 9),
            ostream_iterator<int>(cout, ", "));
    cout << ’\n’;
    copy(ReverseIterator<int>(20), ReverseIterator<int>(10),
            ostream_iterator<int>(cout, ", "));
    cout << ’\n’;
    std::string letters(Iterator<char>(’a’), Iterator<char>::last(’z’));
    cout << letters << ’\n’;
    std::string caps(ReverseIterator<char>::last(’Z’),
    cout << caps << ’\n’;

bobcat/iterator - defines the class interface


None Reported.

https://fbb-git.gitlab.io/bobcat/: gitlab project page;
bobcat_6.06.02-x.dsc: detached signature;
bobcat_6.06.02-x.tar.gz: source archive;
bobcat_6.06.02-x_i386.changes: change log;
libbobcat1_6.06.02-x_*.deb: debian package containing the libraries;
libbobcat1-dev_6.06.02-x_*.deb: debian package containing the libraries, headers and manual pages;

Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.

This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Frank B. Brokken (f.b.brokken@rug.nl).

2005-2024 libbobcat-dev_6.06.02