imax1(3) Library Functions Manual imax1(3)

imax1 - imax1: argmax_i | x_i | (in LAPACK)

integer function icmax1 (n, cx, incx)
ICMAX1 finds the index of the first vector element of maximum absolute value. integer function izmax1 (n, zx, incx)
IZMAX1 finds the index of the first vector element of maximum absolute value.

ICMAX1 finds the index of the first vector element of maximum absolute value.


 ICMAX1 finds the index of the first vector element of maximum absolute value.
 Based on ICAMAX from Level 1 BLAS.
 The change is to use the 'genuine' absolute value.


          N is INTEGER
          The number of elements in the vector CX.


          CX is COMPLEX array, dimension (N)
          The vector CX. The ICMAX1 function returns the index of its first
          element of maximum absolute value.


          INCX is INTEGER
          The spacing between successive values of CX.  INCX >= 1.


Univ. of Tennessee

Univ. of California Berkeley

Univ. of Colorado Denver

NAG Ltd.


Nick Higham for use with CLACON.

Definition at line 80 of file icmax1.f.

IZMAX1 finds the index of the first vector element of maximum absolute value.


 IZMAX1 finds the index of the first vector element of maximum absolute value.
 Based on IZAMAX from Level 1 BLAS.
 The change is to use the 'genuine' absolute value.


          N is INTEGER
          The number of elements in the vector ZX.


          ZX is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (N)
          The vector ZX. The IZMAX1 function returns the index of its first
          element of maximum absolute value.


          INCX is INTEGER
          The spacing between successive values of ZX.  INCX >= 1.


Univ. of Tennessee

Univ. of California Berkeley

Univ. of Colorado Denver

NAG Ltd.


Nick Higham for use with ZLACON.

Definition at line 80 of file izmax1.f.

Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code.

Version 3.12.0 LAPACK