getsqr_comp_grp(3) Library Functions Manual getsqr_comp_grp(3)

getsqr_comp_grp - QR, tall-skinny

latsqr: tall-skinny QR factor
{un,or}gtsqr: generate Q from latsqr
{un,or}gtsqr_row: generate Q from latsqr
larfb_gett: step in ungtsqr_row
lamtsqr: multiply by Q from latsqr
getsqrhrt: tall-skinny QR factor, with Householder reconstruction
{un,or}hr_col: Householder reconstruction
la{un,or}hr_col_getrfnp: LU factor without pivoting
la{un,or}hr_col_getrfnp2: LU factor without pivoting, level 2

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