CBLAS/testing/c_zblat3.f(3) | Library Functions Manual | CBLAS/testing/c_zblat3.f(3) |
program zblat3
subroutine zchk1 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal,
nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs,
ct, g, iorder)
subroutine zprcn1 (nout, nc, sname, iorder, transa, transb, m, n, k,
alpha, lda, ldb, beta, ldc)
subroutine zchk2 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal,
nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs,
ct, g, iorder)
subroutine zprcn2 (nout, nc, sname, iorder, side, uplo, m, n, alpha,
lda, ldb, beta, ldc)
subroutine zchk3 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal,
nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, ct, g, c, iorder)
subroutine zprcn3 (nout, nc, sname, iorder, side, uplo, transa, diag,
m, n, alpha, lda, ldb)
subroutine zchk4 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal,
nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs,
ct, g, iorder)
subroutine zprcn4 (nout, nc, sname, iorder, uplo, transa, n, k, alpha,
lda, beta, ldc)
subroutine zprcn6 (nout, nc, sname, iorder, uplo, transa, n, k, alpha,
lda, beta, ldc)
subroutine zchk5 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal,
nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, ab, aa, as, bb, bs, c, cc, cs, ct,
g, w, iorder)
subroutine zprcn5 (nout, nc, sname, iorder, uplo, transa, n, k, alpha,
lda, ldb, beta, ldc)
subroutine zprcn7 (nout, nc, sname, iorder, uplo, transa, n, k, alpha,
lda, ldb, beta, ldc)
subroutine zmake (type, uplo, diag, m, n, a, nmax, aa, lda, reset,
subroutine zmmch (transa, transb, m, n, kk, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb,
beta, c, ldc, ct, g, cc, ldcc, eps, err, fatal, nout, mv)
logical function lze (ri, rj, lr)
logical function lzeres (type, uplo, m, n, aa, as, lda)
complex *16 function zbeg (reset)
double precision function ddiff (x, y)
subroutine zchk6 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal,
nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs,
ct, g, iorder)
subroutine zprcn8 (nout, nc, sname, iorder, uplo, transa, transb, n, k,
alpha, lda, ldb, beta, ldc)
subroutine zmmtch (uplo, transa, transb, n, kk, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb,
beta, c, ldc, ct, g, cc, ldcc, eps, err, fatal, nout, mv)
Function/Subroutine Documentation
double precision function ddiff (double precision x, double precision y)
Definition at line 2788 of file c_zblat3.f.
logical function lze (complex*16, dimension( * ) ri, complex*16, dimension( * ) rj, integer lr)
Definition at line 2640 of file c_zblat3.f.
logical function lzeres (character*2 type, character*1 uplo, integer m, integer n, complex*16, dimension( lda, * ) aa, complex*16, dimension( lda, * ) as, integer lda)
Definition at line 2672 of file c_zblat3.f.
complex*16 function zbeg (logical reset)
Definition at line 2734 of file c_zblat3.f.
program zblat3
Definition at line 1 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zchk1 (character*13 sname, double precision eps, double precision thresh, integer nout, integer ntra, logical trace, logical rewi, logical fatal, integer nidim, integer, dimension( nidim ) idim, integer nalf, complex*16, dimension( nalf ) alf, integer nbet, complex*16, dimension( nbet ) bet, integer nmax, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) a, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) aa, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) as, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) b, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bb, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bs, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) c, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) cc, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) cs, complex*16, dimension( nmax ) ct, double precision, dimension( nmax ) g, integer iorder)
Definition at line 441 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zchk2 (character*13 sname, double precision eps, double precision thresh, integer nout, integer ntra, logical trace, logical rewi, logical fatal, integer nidim, integer, dimension( nidim ) idim, integer nalf, complex*16, dimension( nalf ) alf, integer nbet, complex*16, dimension( nbet ) bet, integer nmax, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) a, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) aa, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) as, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) b, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bb, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bs, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) c, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) cc, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) cs, complex*16, dimension( nmax ) ct, double precision, dimension( nmax ) g, integer iorder)
Definition at line 771 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zchk3 (character*13 sname, double precision eps, double precision thresh, integer nout, integer ntra, logical trace, logical rewi, logical fatal, integer nidim, integer, dimension( nidim ) idim, integer nalf, complex*16, dimension( nalf ) alf, integer nmax, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) a, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) aa, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) as, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) b, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bb, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bs, complex*16, dimension( nmax ) ct, double precision, dimension( nmax ) g, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) c, integer iorder)
Definition at line 1093 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zchk4 (character*13 sname, double precision eps, double precision thresh, integer nout, integer ntra, logical trace, logical rewi, logical fatal, integer nidim, integer, dimension( nidim ) idim, integer nalf, complex*16, dimension( nalf ) alf, integer nbet, complex*16, dimension( nbet ) bet, integer nmax, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) a, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) aa, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) as, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) b, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bb, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bs, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) c, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) cc, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) cs, complex*16, dimension( nmax ) ct, double precision, dimension( nmax ) g, integer iorder)
Definition at line 1457 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zchk5 (character*13 sname, double precision eps, double precision thresh, integer nout, integer ntra, logical trace, logical rewi, logical fatal, integer nidim, integer, dimension( nidim ) idim, integer nalf, complex*16, dimension( nalf ) alf, integer nbet, complex*16, dimension( nbet ) bet, integer nmax, complex*16, dimension( 2*nmax*nmax ) ab, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) aa, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) as, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bb, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bs, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) c, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) cc, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) cs, complex*16, dimension( nmax ) ct, double precision, dimension( nmax ) g, complex*16, dimension( 2*nmax ) w, integer iorder)
Definition at line 1867 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zchk6 (character*13 sname, double precision eps, double precision thresh, integer nout, integer ntra, logical trace, logical rewi, logical fatal, integer nidim, integer, dimension( nidim ) idim, integer nalf, complex*16, dimension( nalf ) alf, integer nbet, complex*16, dimension( nbet ) bet, integer nmax, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) a, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) aa, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) as, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) b, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bb, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) bs, complex*16, dimension( nmax, nmax ) c, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) cc, complex*16, dimension( nmax*nmax ) cs, complex*16, dimension( nmax ) ct, double precision, dimension( nmax ) g, integer iorder)
Definition at line 2808 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zmake (character*2 type, character*1 uplo, character*1 diag, integer m, integer n, complex*16, dimension( nmax, * ) a, integer nmax, complex*16, dimension( * ) aa, integer lda, logical reset, complex*16 transl)
Definition at line 2321 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zmmch (character*1 transa, character*1 transb, integer m, integer n, integer kk, complex*16 alpha, complex*16, dimension( lda, * ) a, integer lda, complex*16, dimension( ldb, * ) b, integer ldb, complex*16 beta, complex*16, dimension( ldc, * ) c, integer ldc, complex*16, dimension( * ) ct, double precision, dimension( * ) g, complex*16, dimension( ldcc, * ) cc, integer ldcc, double precision eps, double precision err, logical fatal, integer nout, logical mv)
Definition at line 2450 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zmmtch (character*1 uplo, character*1 transa, character*1 transb, integer n, integer kk, complex*16 alpha, complex*16, dimension( lda, * ) a, integer lda, complex*16, dimension( ldb, * ) b, integer ldb, complex*16 beta, complex*16, dimension( ldc, * ) c, integer ldc, complex*16, dimension( * ) ct, double precision, dimension( * ) g, complex*16, dimension( ldcc, * ) cc, integer ldcc, double precision eps, double precision err, logical fatal, integer nout, logical mv)
Definition at line 3145 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zprcn1 (integer nout, integer nc, character*13 sname, integer iorder, character*1 transa, character*1 transb, integer m, integer n, integer k, double complex alpha, integer lda, integer ldb, double complex beta, integer ldc)
Definition at line 736 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zprcn2 (integer nout, integer nc, character*13 sname, integer iorder, character*1 side, character*1 uplo, integer m, integer n, double complex alpha, integer lda, integer ldb, double complex beta, integer ldc)
Definition at line 1062 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zprcn3 (integer nout, integer nc, character*13 sname, integer iorder, character*1 side, character*1 uplo, character*1 transa, character*1 diag, integer m, integer n, double complex alpha, integer lda, integer ldb)
Definition at line 1414 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zprcn4 (integer nout, integer nc, character*13 sname, integer iorder, character*1 uplo, character*1 transa, integer n, integer k, double complex alpha, integer lda, double complex beta, integer ldc)
Definition at line 1800 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zprcn5 (integer nout, integer nc, character*13 sname, integer iorder, character*1 uplo, character*1 transa, integer n, integer k, double complex alpha, integer lda, integer ldb, double complex beta, integer ldc)
Definition at line 2253 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zprcn6 (integer nout, integer nc, character*13 sname, integer iorder, character*1 uplo, character*1 transa, integer n, integer k, double precision alpha, integer lda, double precision beta, integer ldc)
Definition at line 1834 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zprcn7 (integer nout, integer nc, character*13 sname, integer iorder, character*1 uplo, character*1 transa, integer n, integer k, double complex alpha, integer lda, integer ldb, double precision beta, integer ldc)
Definition at line 2287 of file c_zblat3.f.
subroutine zprcn8 (integer nout, integer nc, character*13 sname, integer iorder, character*1 uplo, character*1 transa, character*1 transb, integer n, integer k, complex*16 alpha, integer lda, integer ldb, complex*16 beta, integer ldc)
Definition at line 3103 of file c_zblat3.f.
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