KUBERNETES(1)(kubernetes) KUBERNETES(1)(kubernetes)
Eric Paris Jan 2015

kubeadm config images pull - Pull images used by kubeadm

kubeadm config images pull [OPTIONS]

Pull images used by kubeadm

--config="" Path to a kubeadm configuration file.

--cri-socket="" Path to the CRI socket to connect. If empty kubeadm will try to auto-detect this value; use this option only if you have more than one CRI installed or if you have non-standard CRI socket.

--feature-gates="" A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for various features. Options are: EtcdLearnerMode=true|false (BETA - default=true) PublicKeysECDSA=true|false (DEPRECATED - default=false) RootlessControlPlane=true|false (ALPHA - default=false) UpgradeAddonsBeforeControlPlane=true|false (DEPRECATED - default=false)

--image-repository="registry.k8s.io" Choose a container registry to pull control plane images from

--kubernetes-version="stable-1" Choose a specific Kubernetes version for the control plane.

--azure-container-registry-config="" Path to the file containing Azure container registry configuration information.

--kubeconfig="/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf" The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. If the flag is not set, a set of standard locations can be searched for an existing kubeconfig file.

--rootfs="" [EXPERIMENTAL] The path to the 'real' host root filesystem.

--version=false --version, --version=raw prints version information and quits; --version=vX.Y.Z... sets the reported version


January 2015, Originally compiled by Eric Paris (eparis at redhat dot com) based on the kubernetes source material, but hopefully they have been automatically generated since!

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