ipv6logconv(8) system tools ipv6logconv(8)

ipv6logconv - HTTP server log file converter for statistics

cat /var/log/httpd/access_log | ipv6logconv [OPTIONS]

This program converts IPv4/IPv6 addresses in HTTP server log files

The converted output can be used to create statistics with analog

Takes data from stdin, proceed it to stdout

General options:

[-d|--debug DEBUGVALUE]
debug value (bitwise like) can also be set by IPV6CALC_DEBUG environment value
[-v|--version [-v [-v]]]
version information (2 optional detail levels)
[-v|--version -h]
explanation of feature tokens
be more verbose
this online help

Performance options:

disable caching
[-c|--cachelimit VALUE]
set cache limit; default: 20, maximum: 200.

Output options:

Specify output type:
Address type
OUI (IEEE) type
IPv6 address type
any type


Report bugs via GitHub:

Homepage: http://www.deepspace6.net/projects/ipv6calc.html


Peter Bieringer <pb@bieringer.de>

2.0.0 Peter Bieringer <pb@bieringer.de>