Gtk2::FileChooser(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Gtk2::FileChooser(3)

Gtk2::FileChooser - wrapper for GtkFileChooser


$chooser->set_action ($action)

$action (Gtk2::FileChooserAction)

$chooser->add_filter ($filter)

$filter (Gtk2::FileFilter)

$chooser->add_shortcut_folder ($folder)

$folder (string)

$chooser->add_shortcut_folder_uri ($folder)

$folder (string)

boolean = $chooser->get_create_folders

Since: gtk+ 2.18

$chooser->set_create_folders ($create_folders)

$create_folders (boolean)

Since: gtk+ 2.18

string = $chooser->get_current_folder

boolean = $chooser->set_current_folder ($filename)

$filename (string)

string = $chooser->get_current_folder_uri

boolean = $chooser->set_current_folder_uri ($uri)

$uri (string)

$chooser->set_current_name ($name)

$name (string)

boolean = $chooser->get_do_overwrite_confirmation

Since: gtk+ 2.8

$chooser->set_do_overwrite_confirmation ($do_overwrite_confirmation)

$do_overwrite_confirmation (boolean)

Since: gtk+ 2.8

widget = $chooser->get_extra_widget

$chooser->set_extra_widget ($extra_widget)

$extra_widget (Gtk2::Widget)

string = $chooser->get_filename

boolean = $chooser->set_filename ($filename)

$filename (string)

list = $chooser->get_filenames

$chooser->set_filter ($filter)

$filter (Gtk2::FileFilter)

list = $chooser->list_filters

list = $chooser->list_shortcut_folder_uris

list = $chooser->list_shortcut_folders

boolean = $chooser->get_local_only

$chooser->set_local_only ($files_only)

$files_only (boolean)

boolean = $chooser->get_preview_widget_active

$chooser->set_preview_widget_active ($active)

$active (boolean)

widget = $chooser->get_preview_widget

$chooser->set_preview_widget ($preview_widget)

$preview_widget (Gtk2::Widget)

$chooser->remove_filter ($filter)

$filter (Gtk2::FileFilter)

$chooser->remove_shortcut_folder ($folder)

$folder (string)

$chooser->remove_shortcut_folder_uri ($folder)

$folder (string)

boolean = $chooser->select_filename ($filename)

$filename (string)

boolean = $chooser->get_select_multiple

$chooser->set_select_multiple ($select_multiple)

$select_multiple (boolean)

boolean = $chooser->select_uri ($uri)

$uri (string)

boolean = $chooser->get_show_hidden

Since: gtk+ 2.6

$chooser->set_show_hidden ($show_hidden)

$show_hidden (boolean)

Since: gtk+ 2.6

$chooser->unselect_filename ($filename)

$filename (string)

$chooser->unselect_uri ($uri)

$uri (string)

string = $chooser->get_uri

boolean = $chooser->set_uri ($uri)

$uri (string)

list = $chooser->get_uris

boolean = $chooser->get_use_preview_label

$chooser->set_use_preview_label ($use_label)

$use_label (boolean)

'action' (Gtk2::FileChooserAction : default "open" : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
The type of operation that the file selector is performing
'create-folders' (boolean : default true : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
Whether a file chooser not in open mode will offer the user to create new folders.
'do-overwrite-confirmation' (boolean : default false : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
Whether a file chooser in save mode will present an overwrite confirmation dialog if necessary.
'extra-widget' (Gtk2::Widget : default undef : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
Application supplied widget for extra options.
'file-system-backend' (string : default undef : writable / construct-only / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
Name of file system backend to use
'filter' (Gtk2::FileFilter : default undef : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
The current filter for selecting which files are displayed
'local-only' (boolean : default true : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
Whether the selected file(s) should be limited to local file: URLs
'preview-widget' (Gtk2::Widget : default undef : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
Application supplied widget for custom previews.
'preview-widget-active' (boolean : default true : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
Whether the application supplied widget for custom previews should be shown.
'select-multiple' (boolean : default false : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
Whether to allow multiple files to be selected
'show-hidden' (boolean : default false : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
Whether the hidden files and folders should be displayed
'use-preview-label' (boolean : default true : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb)
Whether to display a stock label with the name of the previewed file.




Gtk2, Glib::Interface

Copyright (C) 2003-2011 by the gtk2-perl team.

This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gtk2 for a full notice.

2023-07-25 perl v5.38.0