rtcGetSceneBounds(3) Embree Ray Tracing Kernels 4 rtcGetSceneBounds(3)

rtcGetSceneBounds - returns the axis-aligned bounding box of the scene

#include <embree4/rtcore.h>
struct RTCORE_ALIGN(16) RTCBounds
  float lower_x, lower_y, lower_z, align0;
  float upper_x, upper_y, upper_z, align1;
void rtcGetSceneBounds(
  RTCScene scene,
  struct RTCBounds* bounds_o

The rtcGetSceneBounds function queries the axis-aligned bounding box of the specified scene (scene argument) and stores that bounding box to the provided destination pointer (bounds_o argument). The stored bounding box consists of lower and upper bounds for the x, y, and z dimensions as specified by the RTCBounds structure.

The provided destination pointer must be aligned to 16 bytes. The function may be invoked only after committing the scene; otherwise the result is undefined.

On failure an error code is set that can be queried using rtcGetDeviceError.

[rtcGetSceneLinearBounds], [rtcCommitScene], [rtcJoinCommitScene]