CHARM(1) Do Charm stuff CHARM(1)

charm - Do Charm stuff

charm [options...] [argument...]

Do Charm stuff. Run without arguments for a TUI or use the

sub-commands like a pro.

Backup your Charm account keys
--o --output keys backup filepath
Generate shell completion
Use Charm encryption.
Decrypt stdin with your Charm account encryption key
Decrypt arg deterministically
Encrypt stdin with your Charm account encryption key
Encrypt arg deterministically
Use the Charm file system.
cat [charm:]PATH
Output the content of the file at path.
Copy a file, preface source or destination with "charm:" to specify a remote path.
--r --recursive copy directories recursively
List file or directory at path
Move a file, preface source or destination with "charm:" to specify a remote path.
--r --recursive move directories recursively
Remove file or directory at path
Print a file system tree from path.
Help about any command
Print your Charm ID
Import previously backed up Charm account keys.
--f --force-overwrite overwrite if keys exist; don’t prompt for input
Print a JWT
Browse or print linked SSH keys
--r --randomart print SSH 5.1 randomart for each key (the Drunken Bishop algorithm)
simple, non-interactive output (good for scripts)
Use the Charm key value store.
delete KEY[@DB]
Delete a key with an optional @ db.
Get a value for a key with an optional @ db.
--b --show-binary print binary values
List all key value pairs with an optional @ db.
--d --delimiter delimiter to separate keys and values
only print keys and don't fetch values from the db
list in reverse lexicographic order
print binary values
only print values
Delete local db and pull down fresh copy from Charm Cloud.
Set a value for a key with an optional @ db.
Sync local db with latest Charm Cloud db.
Link multiple machines to your Charm account
Username stuff
Start a self-hosted Charm Cloud server.
--data-dir Directory to store SQLite db, SSH keys and file data
Health port to listen on
HTTP port to listen on
SSH port to listen on
Stats port to listen on
Find where your folder resides on your machine

(C) 2021-2022 Charmbracelet, Inc.

Released under MIT license.

2023-07-26 charm