Buf(1) Buf(1)

buf-registry-sdk-version - Resolve module and plugin reference to a specific Generated SDK version

buf registry sdk version --module= --plugin= [flags]

This command returns the version of the Generated SDK for the given module and plugin. Examples:

Get the version of the eliza module and the go plugin for use with the Go module proxy.
$ buf registry sdk version --module=buf.build/connectrpc/eliza --plugin=buf.build/protocolbuffers/go

Use a specific module version and plugin version.
$ buf registry sdk version --module=buf.build/connectrpc/eliza:233fca715f49425581ec0a1b660be886 --plugin=buf.build/protocolbuffers/go:v1.32.0

-h, --help[=false] help for version

--module="" The module reference to resolve

--plugin="" The plugin reference to resolve

--debug[=false] Turn on debug logging

--log-format="color" The log format [text,color,json]

--timeout=2m0s The duration until timing out, setting it to zero means no timeout

-v, --verbose[=false] Turn on verbose mode


2024-08-27 Auto generated by spf13/cobra

2024-08-27 Auto generated by spf13/cobra