Buf(1) Buf(1)

buf-export - Export proto files from one location to another

buf export [flags]

The first argument is the source or module to export, which must be one of format [dir,git,mod,protofile,tar,zip]. This defaults to "." if no argument is specified.


Export proto files in to an output directory.

$ buf export <source> --output=<output-dir>

Export current directory to another local directory.

$ buf export . --output=<output-dir>

Export the latest remote module to a local directory.

$ buf export <buf.build/owner/repository> --output=<output-dir>

Export a specific version of a remote module to a local directory.

$ buf export <buf.build/owner/repository:ref> --output=<output-dir>

Export a git repo to a local directory.

$ buf export https://github.com/owner/repository.git --output=<output-dir>

--config="" The buf.yaml file or data to use for configuration

--disable-symlinks[=false] Do not follow symlinks when reading sources or configuration from the local filesystem By default, symlinks are followed in this CLI, but never followed on the Buf Schema Registry

--exclude-imports[=false] Exclude imports.

--exclude-path=[] Exclude specific files or directories, e.g. "proto/a/a.proto", "proto/a" If specified multiple times, the union is taken

-h, --help[=false] help for export

-o, --output="" The output directory for exported files

--path=[] Limit to specific files or directories, e.g. "proto/a/a.proto", "proto/a" If specified multiple times, the union is taken

--debug[=false] Turn on debug logging

--log-format="color" The log format [text,color,json]

--timeout=2m0s The duration until timing out, setting it to zero means no timeout

-v, --verbose[=false] Turn on verbose mode


2024-09-18 Auto generated by spf13/cobra

2024-09-18 Auto generated by spf13/cobra