Buf(1) Buf(1)

buf-config-ls-lint-rules - List lint rules

buf config ls-lint-rules [flags]

List lint rules

--config="" The buf.yaml file or data to use for configuration. --configured-only must be set

--configured-only[=false] List rules that are configured instead of listing all available rules

--format="text" The format to print rules as. Must be one of [text,json]

-h, --help[=false] help for ls-lint-rules

--include-deprecated[=false] Also print deprecated rules. Has no effect if --configured-only is set.

--module-path="" The path to the specific module to list configured rules for as specified in the buf.yaml. If the buf.yaml has more than one module defined, this must be set. --configured-only must be set

--version="" List all the rules for the given configuration version. By default, the version in the buf.yaml in the current directory is used, or the latest version otherwise (currently v2). Cannot be set if --configured-only is set. Must be one of [v1beta1 v1 v2]

--debug[=false] Turn on debug logging

--log-format="color" The log format [text,color,json]

--timeout=2m0s The duration until timing out, setting it to zero means no timeout

-v, --verbose[=false] Turn on verbose mode


2024-09-18 Auto generated by spf13/cobra

2024-09-18 Auto generated by spf13/cobra