org.bluez.MediaFolder - BlueZ D-Bus MediaFolder API documentation

unique name (Target role) org.bluez (Controller role)
freely definable (Target role) [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX/playerX (Controller role)

Return a folder object containing the search result.

To list the items found use the folder object returned and pass to ChangeFolder.

Possible Errors:

Change current folder.

Note: By changing folder the items of previous folder might be destroyed and have to be listed again, the exception is NowPlaying folder which should be always present while the player is active.

Possible Errors:

Number of items in the folder

Folder name:

Possible values:

Filesystem scope
NowPlaying scope

Note: /NowPlaying folder might not be listed if player is stopped, folders created by Search are virtual so once another Search is perform or the folder is changed using ChangeFolder it will no longer be listed.

Offset of the first item.

Default value: 0

Offset of the last item.

Default value: NumbeOfItems

Item properties that should be included in the list.

Possible Values:

"title", "artist", "album", "genre", "number-of-tracks", "number", "duration"

Default Value: All

September 2023 BlueZ