Biber::Utils(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Biber::Utils(3pm)

Biber::Utils - Various utility subs used in Biber

All functions are exported by default.

Expands a data file glob to a list of filenames

Use different read encoding/slurp interfaces for Windows due to its
horrible legacy codepage system

Use different write encoding/slurp interfaces for Windows due to its
horrible legacy codepage system

Searches for a data file by
The exact path if the filename is absolute
In the input_directory, if defined
In the output_directory, if defined
Relative to the current directory
In the same directory as the control file
Using kpsewhich, if available

Check existence of NFC/NFD file variants and return correct one.
Account for windows file encodings

Wrapper around empty check to deal with Win32 Unicode filenames

Wrapper around exists check to deal with Win32 Unicode filenames

Wrapper around various warnings bits and pieces.
Add warning to the list of .bbl warnings and the master list of warnings

Wrapper around error logging
Forces an exit.

Given a Biber::Names object, return an underscore normalised concatenation of all of the full name strings.

Given a Biber::Name object, return an underscore normalised concatenation of the full name strings.

Tries to convert UTF-8 to TeX macros in passed string

Removes elements which are not to be considered during initials generation
in names

Removes elements which are not to be used in sorting a name from a string

 Removes elements which are not to be used in certain name-related operations like:
 * fullhash generation
 * uniquename generation
from a name

Remove some things from a string for label generation. Don't strip \p{Dash} as this is needed to process compound names or label generation.

Removes LaTeX macros, and all punctuation, symbols, separators as well as leading and trailing whitespace for sorting strings. Control chars don't need to be stripped as they are completely ignorable in DUCET

Some string normalisation for bblxml output

Removes LaTeX macros, and all punctuation, symbols, separators and control characters, as well as leading and trailing whitespace for sorting strings. Only decodes LaTeX character macros into Unicode if output is UTF-8

Common bit for normalisation

Normalise strings used for hashes. We collapse LaTeX macros into a vestige
so that hashes are unique between things like:
{\v S}mith
we replace macros like this to preserve their vestiges:
\v S -> v:
\" -> 34:

Like normalise_string, but also substitutes ~ and whitespace with underscore.

Escapes a few special character which might be used in labels

Unscapes a few special character which might be used in label but which need
sorting without escapes

reduce_array(\@a, \@b) returns all elements in @a that are not in @b

Remove surrounding curly brackets:
    '{string}' -> 'string'
but not
    '{string} {string}' -> 'string} {string'
Return (boolean if stripped, string)

Return (boolean if surrounded in braces

Add surrounding curly brackets:
    'string' -> '{string}'

upper case of initial letters in a string

Checks for undefness of arbitrary things, including
composite method chain calls which don't reliably work
with defined() (see perldoc for defined())
This works because we are just testing the value passed
to this sub. So, for example, this is randomly unreliable
even if the resulting value of the arg to defined() is "undef":
works since we only test the return value of all the methods
with defined()

Checks for definedness in the same way as is_undef()

Checks for undef or nullness (see is_undef() above)

Checks for def and unnullness (see is_undef() above)

Checks for def and nullness (see is_undef() above)

Checks for nullness

Checks for notnullness

Checks for notnullness of a scalar

Checks for notnullness of an array (passed by ref)

Checks for notnullness of an hash (passed by ref)

Checks for notnullness of an object (passed by ref)

Turns a hash into a string of keys and values

Normalise any UTF-8 encoding string immediately to exactly what we want
We want the strict perl utf8 "UTF-8"

We turn the initials into an array so we can be flexible with them later
The tie here is used only so we know what to split on. We don't want to make
any typesetting decisions in Biber, like what to use to join initials so on
output to the .bbl, we only use BibLaTeX macros.

Replace all join typsetting elements in a name part (space, ties) with BibLaTeX macros
so that typesetting decisions are made in BibLaTeX, not hard-coded in Biber

Process any per_entry option transformations which are necessary on output

Do an interpolating (neg)match using a match RE and a string passed in as variables
Using /g on matches so that $1,$2 etc. can be populated from repeated matches of
same capture group as well as different groups

Do an interpolating match/replace using a match RE, replacement RE
and string passed in as variables

Validate a biber/biblatex XML metadata file against an RNG XML schema

Convert booleans between strings and numbers. Because standard XML "boolean"
datatype considers "true" and "1" the same etc.

Set per-entry options

Merge entry options, dealing with conflicts

Expand options such as meta-options coming from biblatex

Parse of ISO8601 date range

Parse of ISO8601-2:2016 4.3 unspecified format into date range
Returns range plus specification of granularity of unspecified

Convenience wrapper

Convenience wrapper

Parse of iso8601-2 dates

Force month/day to ISO8601-2:2016 format with leading zero

Perform NFD form conversion as well as UTF-8 conversion. Used to normalize
bibtex input as the T::B interface doesn't allow a neat whole file slurping.

Output to target. Outputs NFC UTF-8 if output is UTF-8

Fix up some problems with comments after being processed by btparse

Map babel/polyglossia language options to a sensible CLDR (bcp47) locale default
Return input string if there is no mapping

Map CLDR (bcp47) locale to a babel/polyglossia locale
Return input string if there is no mapping

Calculate the length of a range field
Range fields are an array ref of two-element array refs [range_start, range_end]
range_end can be be empty for open-ended range or undef
Deals with Unicode and ASCII roman numerals via the magic of Unicode NFKD form
m-n -> [m, n]
m   -> [m, undef]
m-  -> [m, '']
-n  -> ['', n]
-   -> ['', undef]

Return array ref of array refs of matches and start indices of matches
for provided array of compiled regexps into string

Parses a range of values into a two-value array ref.
Ranges with no starting value default to "1"
Ranges can be open-ended and it's up to surrounding code to interpret this
Ranges can be single figures which is shorthand for 1-x

Removes annotation marker from a field name

Parses a range of values into a two-value array ref.
Either start or end can be undef and it's up to surrounding code to interpret this

Replace loop markers with values.

Get a ref to a transliterator for the given from/to
We are abstracting this in this way because it is not clear what the future
of the transliteration library is. We want to be able to switch.

Run a transliterator on passed text. Hides call semantics of transliterator
so we can switch engine in the future.

Philip Kime "<philip at>"

Please report any bugs or feature requests on our Github tracker at

Copyright 2012-2023 Philip Kime, all rights reserved.

This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

2024-09-01 perl v5.40.0