Biber::DataList(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Biber::DataList(3pm)

Biber::DataList - Biber::DataLists objects

Initialize a Biber::DataList object

Sets the section of a data list

Gets the section of a data list

Resets all state data. Used mainly in tests which call Biber::prepare()
multiple times without re-creating datalists

Increment the count of occurrences of a primary author base name
if it has a different non-base part. How many variants of the basename
are there in the dlist?

Get the count of unique (i.e. with different hash) occurrences of a primary
author base name

Resets all entryfield data in a list

Retrieves per-list datafield information for an entry

Records per-list datafield information for an entry

Add a name to the list of name contexts which have the name in it
(only called for visible names)

Add a name to the list of name contexts which have the name in it
(called for all names)

Get the number of uniquelist entries for a (possibly partial) list

Increment the count for a list part to the data for a name

Increment the count for a complete list to the data for a name

Increment the count for a list and year for a name
Used to track uniquelist = minyear

Get the count for a list and year for a name
Used to track uniquelist = minyear

Get the number of uniquelist entries for a full list

Reset the count for list parts and complete lists

Reset the list of names which have the name part in it

Get a basenamestring for a particular name

Get a namestring for a particular name

Get namestrings for a particular name

Set name disambiguation metadata

Return boolean to say if a namepart is a base part according to
template which created the information

Get hash for a name

Set hash for a name

Get uniquename minimalness info for a name

Set uniquename minimalness info for a name

Get a name disambiguation schema for a name

Get legacy uniquename summary for a name

Get uniquename summary part for a name

Get uniquename parts for a name

Set uniquename parts for a name

Get the list of name contexts which contain a name
Mainly for use in tests

Get uniquename for a name

Set uniquename for a name

Reset uniquename for a name

Get uniquename for a name, regardless of visibility

Set uniquename for a name, regardless of visibility

Count the names in a string used to determine uniquelist.

Gets a uniquelist setting for a namelist

Sets a uniquelist setting for a namelist

Gets citation name list visibility

Gets citation name list visibility

Gets bib name list visibility

Gets bib name list visibility

Gets sort name list visibility

Gets sort name list visibility

Gets alpha name list visibility

Gets alpha name list visibility

Get the number of uniquenames entries for a visible name

Get the number of uniquenames entries for a name

Return a boolean saying whether uniquenename+uniquelist processing is finished

Set a boolean saying whether uniquename+uniquelist has changed

Reset the counters for extra*

Increment and return the counter for extradate

Increment and return the counter for extraname

Increment and return a counter used to track extraname

Increment and return the counter for extratitle

Increment and return the counter for extratitleyear

Increment and return the counter for extraalpha

Get the count of an labelname/dateparts combination for tracking
extradate. It uses labelyear plus name as we need to disambiguate
entries with different labelyear (like differentiating 1984--1986 from
just 1984)

Increment the count of an labelname/labeltitle+dateparts combination for extradate
We pass in the name/title and date strings separately as we have to
be careful and only increment this counter beyond 1 if there is
a name/title component. Otherwise, extradate gets defined for all
entries with no name/title but the same year etc.

Get the count of a labelname hash for tracking extraname

Get the count of an labelname/labeltitle combination for tracking

Increment the count of an labelname/labeltitle combination for extratitle
We pass in the name and year strings separately as we have to
be careful and only increment this counter beyond 1 if there is
a title component. Otherwise, extratitle gets defined for all
entries with no title.

Get the count of an labeltitle/labelyear combination for tracking

Increment the count of an labeltitle/labelyear combination for extratitleyear
We pass in the title and year strings separately as we have to
be careful and only increment this counter beyond 1 if there is
a title component. Otherwise, extratitleyear gets defined for all
entries with no title.

Reset various work uniqueness counters

Get the count of occurrences of a labelname or labeltitle

Increment the count of occurrences of a labelname or labeltitle

Get the count of occurrences of a labeltitle

Increment the count of occurrences of a labeltitle

Get the count of occurrences of a labeltitle when there is
no labelname

Increment the count of occurrences of a labeltitle
when there is no labelname

Get the count of occurrences of a labelname and labeltitle

Increment the count of occurrences of a labelname and labeltitle

Increment a counter to say we have seen this labelalpha

Get the disambiguation counter for this labelalpha.
Return a 0 for undefs to avoid spurious errors.

Sets the sortingtemplate name of a data list

Gets the attributes of a data list

Gets the sortingtemplatename of a data list

Sets the sortingnamekeytemplate name of a data list

Gets the sortingnamekeytemplatename of a data list

Sets the uniquenametemplate name of a data list

Gets the uniquenametemplate name of a data list

Sets the labelalphanametemplate name of a data list

Gets the labelalphanametemplate name of a data list

Sets the sortinit collator for this list

Gets the sortinit collator for this list

Gets the labelprefix setting of a data list

Sets the labelprefix setting of a data list

Sets the name of a data list

Gets the name of a data list

Sets the type of a data list

Gets the type of a section list

Sets the keys for the list

Gets the keys for the list

Count the keys for the list

Gets  name list data

Saves name list data

Gets  labelalpha field data

Saves labelalpha data

Gets  labelalpha field data for a key

Saves labelalpha field data for a key

Saves extradate field data for a key

Saves extraname field data for a key

Gets the extraname field data for a key

Saves extradate field data for all keys

Gets the extradate field data for a key

Saves extratitle field data for a key

Saves extratitle field data for all keys

Gets the extratitle field data for a key

Saves extratitleyear field data for a key

Saves extratitleyear field data for all keys

Gets the extratitleyear field data for a key

Saves extraalpha field data for a key

Saves extraalpha field data for all keys

Gets the extraalpha field data for a key

Gets the sortdata schema for a sortlist

Saves the sortdata schema for a sortlist

Saves sorting data in a list for a key

Gets the sorting data in a list for a key

Saves sortinit data for a specific key

Saves sortinit data for all keys

Gets the sortinit in a list for a key

Sets the sortingtemplate of a list

Gets the sortingtemplate of a list

Adds a filter to a list object

Gets all filters for a list object

Do any dynamic information replacement for information
which varies in an entry between lists. This is information which
needs to be output to the .bbl for an entry but which is a property
of the reference context and not the entry per se so it cannot be stored
statically in the entry and must be retrieved from the specific datalist
when outputting the entry.

Returns the index where the name list begins to differ from any other list
Assuming these lists
[a, b]
[a, b, d, e, f, g, h, i, j]
[a, b, d, e, f]
[a, b, e, z, z, y]
namelist_differs_index([a, b, c, d, e]) -> 2
namelist_differs_index([a]) -> 1

Returns true if some other name list differs at passed nth place
and is at least as long
namelist_differs_nth([a, b, c, d, e], 3) = 1
if there is another name list like any of these:
[a, b, d, e, f]
[a, b, e, z, z, y]

Philip Kime "<philip at>"

Please report any bugs or feature requests on our Github tracker at

Copyright 2012-2023 Philip Kime, all rights reserved.

This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

2024-09-01 perl v5.40.0