BATGREP(1) General Commands Manual BATGREP(1)

batgrep - Quickly search through and highlight files using ripgrep.

Search through files or directories looking for matching regular expressions (or fixed strings with -F), and print the output using bat for an easy and syntax-highlighted experience.


Short Long Description
-i --ignore-case Use case insensitive searching.
-s --case-sensitive Use case sensitive searching.
-S --smart-case Use smart case searching.
-A --after-context=[LINES] Display the next n lines after a matched line.
-B --before-context=[LINES] Display the previous n lines before a matched line.
-C --context=[LINES] A combination of --after-context and --before-context.
-p --search-pattern Tell pager to search for PATTERN. Currently supported pagers: less.
--no-follow Do not follow symlinks.
--no-snip Do not show the snip decoration. This is automatically enabled when --context=0 or when bat --version is less than 0.12.x.
--no-highlight Do not highlight matching lines. This is automatically enabled when --context=0.
--color Force color output.
--no-color Force disable color output.
--paging=["never"/"always"] Enable/disable paging.
--pager=[PAGER] Specify the pager to use.
--terminal-width=[COLS] Generate output for the specified terminal width.
--no-separator Disable printing separator between files.
--rga Use ripgrep-all instead of ripgrep.

The following options are passed directly to ripgrep, and are not handled by this script.

Short Long Notes
-F --fixed-strings
-U --multiline
-P --pcre2
-z --search-zip
-w --word-regexp
--ignore / --no-ignore
--crlf / --no-crlf
--hidden / --no-hidden
-E --encoding This is unsupported by bat, and may cause issues when trying to display unsupported encodings.
-g --glob
-t --type
-T --type-not
-m --max-count

Differences from ripgrep:

- --follow is enabled by default for batgrep.

- Not all the ripgrep options are supported.