alpm-package-source-checksum(7) | Miscellaneous Information Manual | alpm-package-source-checksum(7) |
package source checksum - a checksum to verify the integrity of a package source used for building an ALPM based package.
ALPM based packages may be built using package sources and for each of them at least one valid package source checksum must exist to be able to verify the integrity of the source.
Analogous to package sources, package source checksums may be specified in a generic or an architecture-specific way.
The value of a package source checksum is either the output of a hash function[1], or the special string 'SKIP', which indicates that no checksum verification should be done for a given source.
The following hash functions[1] are supported:
- MD5[2]
- SHA-1[3]
- SHA-224 (part of the SHA-2 [4] family)
- SHA-256 (part of the SHA-2 [4] family)
- SHA-384 (part of the SHA-2 [4] family)
- SHA-512 (part of the SHA-2 [4] family)
- BLAKE2[5]
If several package source checksums exist for a package source, they must use distinct hash functions (e.g. SHA-512 and BLAKE2). The number of package source checksums in each hash function category must always match the number of available package sources.
In PKGBUILD files a package source checksum is defined by adding a value to one of the following arrays:
- md5sums (hash function: MD5)
- sha1sums (hash function: SHA-1)
- sha224sums (hash function: SHA-224)
- sha256sums (hash function: SHA-256)
- sha384sums (hash function: SHA-384)
- sha512sums (hash function: SHA-512)
- b2sums (hash function: BLAKE2)
Each array exclusively accepts output of the respective hash function or the special string 'SKIP' as value.
Alternatively, any of the above array names, directly followed by an underscore character ("_"), directly followed by an alpm-architecture (all except `any`) may be used to define a source checksum for a specific architecture (e.g. `b2sums_aarch64`).
In SRCINFO files a package source checksum is defined by assigning one of the following keywords a value:
- md5sums (hash function: MD5)
- sha1sums (hash function: SHA-1)
- sha224sums (hash function: SHA-224)
- sha256sums (hash function: SHA-256)
- sha384sums (hash function: SHA-384)
- sha512sums (hash function: SHA-512)
- b2sums (hash function: BLAKE2)
Each keyword assignment exclusively accepts output of the respective hash function or the special string 'SKIP' as value.
Alternatively, any of the above keywords, directly followed by an underscore character ("_"), directly followed by an alpm-architecture (all except `any`) may be used to define a source checksum for a specific architecture (e.g. `b2sums_aarch64`).
Remote source with checksums
The above PKGBUILD example defines a package source setup in which a remote source is verified using a SHA-512 and a BLAKE2 hash. The checksum verification for the OpenPGP signature is skipped using the `SKIP` string.
pkgname=example pkgver=0.1.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A package example" arch=(x86_64) url="" license=(GPL-3.0-or-later) makedepends=(meson) depends=( gcc-libs glibc ) source=($pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::$pkgname-v$pkgver.tar.gz{,.sig}) sha512sums=( 0cf9180a764aba863a67b6d72f0918bc131c6772642cb2dce5a34f0a702f9470ddc2bf125c12198b1995c233c34b4afd346c54a2334c350a948a51b6e8b4e6b6 'SKIP' ) b2sums=( d202d7951df2c4b711ca44b4bcc9d7b363fa4252127e058c1a910ec05b6cd038d71cc21221c031c0359f993e746b07f5965cf8c5c3746a58337ad9ab65278e77 'SKIP' ) validpgpkeys=(988881ADC9FC3655077DC2D4D757D480B5EA0E11) build() { meson setup --prefix /usr $pkgname-$pkgver build meson compile -C build } package(){ meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir" }
The PKGBUILD is represented by the following SRCINFO:
pkgbase = example pkgdesc = A package example pkgver = 0.1.0 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = x86_64 license = GPL-3.0-or-later makedepends = meson depends = gcc-libs depends = glibc source = example-0.1.0.tar.gz:: sha512sums = 0cf9180a764aba863a67b6d72f0918bc131c6772642cb2dce5a34f0a702f9470ddc2bf125c12198b1995c233c34b4afd346c54a2334c350a948a51b6e8b4e6b6 sha512sums = SKIP b2sums = d202d7951df2c4b711ca44b4bcc9d7b363fa4252127e058c1a910ec05b6cd038d71cc21221c031c0359f993e746b07f5965cf8c5c3746a58337ad9ab65278e77 b2sums = SKIP pkgname = example
Remote source with checksums for several architectures
The below PKGBUILD example defines a package source setup in which two remote sources are verified using a SHA-512 and a BLAKE2 hash each. One source is exclusively used on the x86_64 and the other exclusively on the aarch64 architecture.
pkgname=example pkgver=0.1.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A package example" arch=( aarch64 x86_64 ) url="" license=(GPL-3.0-or-later) makedepends=(meson) depends=( gcc-libs glibc ) source_aarch64=( $pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::$pkgname-aarch64-v$pkgver.tar.gz ) source_x86_64=( $pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::$pkgname-x86_64-v$pkgver.tar.gz ) sha512sums_aarch64=( cc06808cbbee0510331aa97974132e8dc296aeb795be229d064bae784b0a87a5cf4281d82e8c99271b75db2148f08a026c1a60ed9cabdb8cac6d24242dac4063 ) sha512sums_x86_64=( 0cf9180a764aba863a67b6d72f0918bc131c6772642cb2dce5a34f0a702f9470ddc2bf125c12198b1995c233c34b4afd346c54a2334c350a948a51b6e8b4e6b6 ) b2sums_aarch64=( a69cc58858cb37cf8da7f83f55c23f171ee3c59be76ad7edcf01dec36fd9d0104bb433cd863ee3f0b6a10a336cf2400688c57fd99392dc01c4585d8725547e8c ) b2sums_x86_64=( d202d7951df2c4b711ca44b4bcc9d7b363fa4252127e058c1a910ec05b6cd038d71cc21221c031c0359f993e746b07f5965cf8c5c3746a58337ad9ab65278e77 ) build() { meson setup --prefix /usr $pkgname-$pkgver build meson compile -C build } package(){ meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir" }
The following SRCINFO is generated from the PKGBUILD:
pkgbase = example pkgdesc = A package example pkgver = 0.1.0 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = aarch64 arch = x86_64 license = GPL-3.0-or-later makedepends = meson depends = gcc-libs depends = glibc source_aarch64 = example-0.1.0.tar.gz:: sha512sums_aarch64 = cc06808cbbee0510331aa97974132e8dc296aeb795be229d064bae784b0a87a5cf4281d82e8c99271b75db2148f08a026c1a60ed9cabdb8cac6d24242dac4063 b2sums_aarch64 = a69cc58858cb37cf8da7f83f55c23f171ee3c59be76ad7edcf01dec36fd9d0104bb433cd863ee3f0b6a10a336cf2400688c57fd99392dc01c4585d8725547e8c source_x86_64 = example-0.1.0.tar.gz:: sha512sums_x86_64 = 0cf9180a764aba863a67b6d72f0918bc131c6772642cb2dce5a34f0a702f9470ddc2bf125c12198b1995c233c34b4afd346c54a2334c350a948a51b6e8b4e6b6 b2sums_x86_64 = d202d7951df2c4b711ca44b4bcc9d7b363fa4252127e058c1a910ec05b6cd038d71cc21221c031c0359f993e746b07f5965cf8c5c3746a58337ad9ab65278e77 pkgname = example
PKGBUILD(5), SRCINFO(5), alpm-architecture(7), alpm-package-source(7), makepkg(8)
- 1.
- hash function
- 2.
- MD5
- 3.
- SHA-1
- 4.
- SHA-2
- 5.