EXPIRY(1) User Commands EXPIRY(1) NAMN expiry - kontrollera och uppratthall policy for losenordsutgang SYNOPSIS expiry option BESKRIVNING The expiry command checks (-c) the current password expiration and forces (-f) changes when required. It is callable as a normal user command. FLAGGOR The options which apply to the expiry command are: -c, --check Check the password expiration of the current user. -f, --force Force a password change if the current user has an expired password. -h, --help Visa hjalpmeddelande och avsluta. FILER /etc/passwd Anvandarkontoinformation. /etc/shadow Saker anvandarkontoinformation. SE OCKSA passwd(5), shadow(5). shadow-utils 4.15.1 01-04-2024 EXPIRY(1)