EBOOK-CONVERT(1) calibre EBOOK-CONVERT(1) NAME ebook-convert - ebook-convert ebook-convert input_file output_file [options] input_file output_file output_file output_file .EXT output_file HTML (OEB) -h :command: ` ebook-convert`: "/some path/with spaces" ebook-convert myfile.input_format myfile.output_format -h o o o o o o o o o --help, -h --input-profile cybookg3, cybook_opus, default, hanlinv3, hanlinv5, illiad, irexdr1000, irexdr800, kindle, msreader, mobipocket, nook, sony, sony300, sony900 --list-recipes ebook-convert "Recipe Name.recipe" output.epub --output-profile . . , , . :cybookg3, cybook_opus, default, hanlinv3, hanlinv5, illiad, ipad, ipad3, irexdr1000, irexdr800, jetbook5, kindle, kindle_dx, kindle_fire, kindle_oasis, kindle_pw, kindle_pw3, kindle_scribe, kindle_voyage, kobo, msreader, mobipocket, nook, nook_color, nook_hd_plus, pocketbook_inkpad3, pocketbook_lux, pocketbook_hd, pocketbook_900, pocketbook_pro_912, galaxy, sony, sony300, sony900, sony-landscape, sonyt3, tablet, generic_eink_hd, generic_eink_large, generic_eink --version mobi --input-encoding epub --dont-split-on-page-breaks --epub-flatten EPUB FBReaderJ EPUB --epub-inline-toc --epub-max-image-size The maximum image size (width x height). A value of none means use the screen size from the output profile. A value of profile means no maximum size is specified. For example, a value of 100x200 will cause all images to be resized so that their width is no more than 100 pixels and their height is no more than 200 pixels. Note that this only affects the size of the actual image files themselves. Any given image may be rendered at a different size depending on the styling applied to it in the document. --epub-toc-at-end --epub-version EPUB EPUB 2 EPUB 3 --extract-to EPUB --flow-size ( KB ) HTML EPUB 260KB Adobe Digital Editions 0 --no-default-epub-cover --no-svg-cover SVG EPUB SVG iPhone JetBook Lite --preserve-cover-aspect-ratio SVG () --pretty-print --toc-title --asciiize Transliterate Unicode characters to an ASCII representation. Use with care because this will replace Unicode characters with ASCII. For instance it will replace "Pele" with "Pele". Also, note that in cases where there are multiple representations of a character (characters shared by Chinese and Japanese for instance) the representation based on the current calibre interface language will be used. --base-font-size PTS0 --change-justification "left" () "justify" "original"() --disable-font-rescaling --embed-all-fonts EPUBAZW3DOCX PDF --embed-font-family EPUBAZW3 DOCX --expand-css calibre CSSEPUBNookCSSNookCSS --extra-css CSS CSS CSS --filter-css CSS CSS --font-size-mapping CSS pts 12,12,14,16,18,20,22,24 xx-small xx-large --insert-blank-line . (

) --insert-blank-line-size ( em ) --keep-ligatures ff, fi, flcalibre --line-height pt --linearize-tables --margin-bottom Set the bottom margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence. --margin-left Set the left margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence. --margin-right Set the right margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence. --margin-top Set the top margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence. --minimum-line-height calibre 120% 240% --remove-paragraph-spacing . 1.5em. (

). --remove-paragraph-spacing-indent-size calibre ( em )calibre --smarten-punctuation Convert plain quotes, dashes and ellipsis to their typographically correct equivalents. For details, see https://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants. --subset-embedded-fonts () --transform-css-rules CSS calibre GUI -> --transform-html-rules HTML calibre->HTML --unsmarten-punctuation --enable-heuristics --disable-* --disable-dehyphenate --disable-delete-blank-paragraphs --disable-fix-indents CSS --disable-format-scene-breaks --disable-italicize-common-cases --disable-markup-chapter-headings (

) (

) --disable-renumber-headings

--disable-unwrap-lines --enable-heuristics --html-unwrap-factor 0 1 0.4 --replace-scene-breaks --search-replace () Python UTF-8 --sr1-replace sr1-search --sr1-search sr1-replace ( ) --sr2-replace sr2-search --sr2-search sr2-replace ( ) --sr3-replace sr3-search --sr3-search sr3-replace ( ) --chapter XPath

=/ calibre XPath --chapter-mark pagebreak()rule()none()both() --disable-remove-fake-margins Calibre Calibre --insert-metadata --page-breaks-before XPath / --prefer-metadata-cover . --remove-first-image calibre --start-reading-at XPath ( Kindle ) calibre XPath --duplicate-links-in-toc --level1-toc 1 XPath calibre XPath --level2-toc XPath calibre XPath --level3-toc XPath calibre XPath --max-toc-links 0 50 --no-chapters-in-toc --toc-filter --toc-threshold 6 --use-auto-toc --author-sort . --authors --book-producer --comments --cover URL --isbn ISBN --language --pubdate () --publisher --rating 1 5 --read-metadata-from-opf, --from-opf, -m OPF --series --series-index --tags --timestamp () --title --title-sort --debug-pipeline, -d --verbose, -v AUTHOR Kovid Goyal COPYRIGHT Kovid Goyal 7.10.0 5 03, 2024 EBOOK-CONVERT(1)